We have the "all clear" today to shop (whether you spend $10 or 10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Aries.
Tread carefully today. It's very easy to suddenly be in an ornery mood. People are just being critical. (Jerks.) Furthermore, if differences do arise, suddenly, everybody is screaming at each other! What's with this? Sidestep it all. You can do it. Make the leap!
Be patient with children today. Criticism will only trigger meltdowns and little temper tantrums. Actually, criticism will also trigger meltdowns and little temper tantrums with lovers as well. But then true love is so juvenile at times, isn't it? (That's why we love it!)
You might be offended by someone if they are critical of you today, especially somebody who is boring, older, more experienced, and who possibly sneers. (No, surely that was your imagination? Sneers?) Actually, you have to cut others some slack today. People are just in a funk. (Not you, of course.)
This is a very poor day to go up against authority figures. Forewarned is forearmed! People are picky and critical. But more than that, some sort of suppressed tension makes people want to explode! Yikes. You might even explode in public. (Impossible and tacky as that seems.)
Don't get carried away with publishing, the media, religious issues, or anything to do with politics, the law, and higher education. Actually, let's throw in medicine as well. People are not co-operative today. They're not easy-going. They're hypersensitive and petty! (Leos don't do petty.)
Avoid disputes and disagreements about shared property, taxes, debt, and anything you own jointly with others. It could get nasty very quickly. Furthermore, you will arrive at nothing except discouraging results. Run away! Run away!
Be prepared to go more than halfway today. Waaay more than halfway. The Moon is opposite your sign, and it's not happy! People are picky, and a bit obsessed about things. You could innocently wander into a minefield! Be very careful.
Don't make a big deal about anything at work today. If you do, it will really turn into a big deal! Others will chafe at criticism and very quickly fire a salvo back at you. Before you know it, people are yelling at each other. Never criticize family members, friends, acquaintances, or strangers. Got it?
This is a pretty dicey day for romance. In fact, anything to do with the arts, show business, sports, and children could turn out to be disappointing, dejecting, and even explosive. (This might be extreme. Things might not be that bad.) But it's a very slippery slope. Caution!
Avoid contentious subjects with family members today, especially parents. Older family members will be disapproving, in all likelihood. There is some kind of a hair shirt mentality out there today that seems to be driving everyone. And I wouldn't call it tough love. It's just tough.
Be polite and patient with siblings today. Things could go wrong in a New York minute. People are extra sensitive to criticism. They're also extra sensitive to know-it-alls. What you think is a clear firm response might sound like a bark to others. Go gently.
Avoid arguments about money issues or possessions today. They will spiraled downward and depress everyone. Try to sidestep this. But do check your bank account. The news could be dismal. "What do you mean I have no money? I still have cheques left!" You'll probably feel territorial about something you own. ("That's my toothbrush.")
Nobel Peace Prize winning Catholic nun Mother Teresa (1910-1997) shares your birthday today. You are observant and socially aware. Regardless of your own station in life or wealth, you are always sympathetic to the underdog or those who are less fortunate. You have a caring heart. In addition, you gain increased self-respect by feeling useful to others, especially those who need help. In your year ahead, partnerships and close friendships will figure prominently.