Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 8:15 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. after that, the Moon moves from Taurus into Gemini.
Take extra precautions because this is a mildly accident-prone day. However, it's also an exciting day. You might meet new faces or be surprised by something that siblings and relatives do. "Here's that fifty I owe you." (Now that just shows that anything can happen!)
Keep an eye on your money and cash flow today. You might find money, you might lose money. You might also lose or break something that you own. On the other hand, you could discover new ways of earning money. Things are unpredictable today.
You might feel a bit more emotional than usual today because the Moon is in your sign. It certainly makes you feel unusually independent, impulsive, inventive and original. You're full of wonderful bright ideas! Stay light on your feet because unexpected things will happen today.
Many of you are more psychic today (whether you're aware of this or not). It's as if you are tuned into the zone, whatever the zone is. (Twilight?) Perhaps you're picking up acid rock in your Mercury fillings? Nevertheless, because of this, you can probably trust your gut reactions.
A friend might surprise you today. Many of you will meet someone new who is unusual or bit bizarre. Expect interesting exchanges with others because this is really an off beat, unpredictable day when it comes to dealing with others, especially in group situations. (It ain't boring.)
Something unusual might suddenly catapult you into the limelight, or at least, catch the attention of bosses, parents, teachers, and VIPs, whether you like it or not. This might be a good thing, but it might not. Quite likely, it's out of your control. Maybe this is just your 15 minutes of fame?
Unexpected opportunities to travel or to do something with higher education are likely today. Similar surprises in medicine, the law, plus publishing and the media might also occur. This could be a breakthrough of sorts. You might have to take the baton and run with it.
Unexpected gifts, goodies, favours, and perks from others can come your way today. Perhaps you will benefit indirectly because something good happens to your partner or someone close to you? Be vigilant and wide awake for news about banking, debt, and inheritances.
Relations with partners and close friends are unpredictable today. Expect a few surprises. Changeable moods are likely. Be ready to go along with suggestions out of left field because today is full of unexpected possibilities. New and interesting people will cross your path. Count on it.
Interruptions at work are likely today due to power outages, computer crashes, canceled appointments, staff shortages, fire drills and simply, surprising situations. However, despite whatever happens, it's an interesting day! You could make a breakthrough in something.
Love at first sight is possible today. Eyes across a crowded room and all that. However, please take note that this is an accident-prone day for your children or children in your care; therefore, be alert (the world needs more lerts). Make sure you know what's going on.
Something surprising connected with your home, or where you live will likely occur today. Perhaps somebody unexpected will drop by. Perhaps a planned event will be canceled, or someone who you expect to arrive will not show. These same shaky plans can apply to real estate deals as well. Stay flexible and even tempered.
Singer/actor Bobby Darin (1936-1973) shares your birthday today. You approach everything life like a perfectionist. You are modern, up-to-date, and high-tech. You drive yourself to achieve high goals. You're not afraid to break with tradition. In fact, you are very future oriented and advanced in your field. Work hard to build or construct something this year because you'll be glad you did. Your rewards will soon follow.