We have the "all clear" today to shop (whether you spend $10 or 10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Aquarius.
The next several weeks are passionate! (Don't leave home without a rose clenched in your teeth.) Naturally, sex will be hot and steamy (if you can score). But in truth, your relationship with everything will be hot and steamy.
It's important to keep in mind that the sun is directly opposite your sign now; and it's going to stay that way for the next few weeks. (This happens only once a year.) This means your personal year is half over! It also means that you are very focused on partners and close friendships right now.
Since the heavens now urge you to get better organized, take advantage of this! For starters, get whatever you need in order to do a good job. Buy cleaning supplies, paint, shelving, file folders, whatever. Pull your act together.
No matter how much people around you are kvetching, the next several weeks are fun city for you! Get with the program. Enjoy the arts. Watch sports or grab a movie. Flirt a little because romance gets a huge boost now. In fact, be a kid yourself again.
Your attention certainly turns to home, family, and domestic matters during the next few weeks. Discussions with family members, especially parents, will be significant. Home repairs will be on your list as well. You'll be happy to hunker down at home as much as possible with your favourite junk food. (One needs sustenance!)
In the next several weeks, your daily pace will accelerate. You have places to go, people to see, things to do. Enjoy meeting new contacts. Siblings and relatives might be more predominant in your life at this time. (Especially if you owe them money.)
Your cash flow and money scene will absorb a lot of your interest during the next few weeks. You might be dreaming up new ways to earn money, and new ways to spend it as well. You're also thinking about what you really value in life.
This is your time to shine because three planets are hovering in Scorpio for the next several weeks. This makes you talkative and sociable. It also attracts people and opportunities to you. Obviously, you might as well milk this for all it's worth.
This is the best time all year to think about your new year (birthday to birthday). As I see it, you can let your life just happen as you respond to events. (Management by crisis.) Or you can make goals, and steer the direction of your course. Hmmm?
The next few weeks are the best time all year for you to make specific goals about your future. Think about your dreams and wishes. What can you start to do now to begin to make them a reality in your future?
During the next few weeks, the Sun is high in your chart acting like a spotlight on you which throws you in the limelight. Naturally, people notice you more than usual. But get this: bosses, parents, teachers, and VIPs not only notice you - they're impressed. Milk this!
Do whatever you can to travel, or study something new, or get a change of scenery, or expand your world in some way. This is what you long for! Interaction with people from other cultures and different countries will be exciting. Frankly, a new romance could spring up as well.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (1947) shares your birthday today. You're attracted to the possibilities of reform, improvement, and reorganization. Many of you are involved in groups, clubs, and organizations. You have excellent financial savvy. You're intense, fearless, and hard-working. You know how to walk your talk. You're very responsible. Relationships are a major issue this year. Next year you have a big choice to make.