We have the "all clear" today to shop (whether you spend $10 or 10 million) and make important decisions. The New Moon occurs in Aries at 12:06 p.m. EDT.
This is the best day all year for you to do a reality check on your appearance. Take a look in the mirror. What do you see? What kind of image do you project to others? Let's take it a step further: How do you come across? Friendly? Bossy? Bored?
Each New Moon is an opportunity to make new resolutions. This New Moon reminds you what goes around, comes around. You create your world and your reality because of your thoughts. An impulse of kindness and generosity opens up that kind of world. Capice?
Friendship is important. You're a social sign who is curious, plus you have a strong need to communicate to others. This is the only New Moon all year that gives you an opportunity to resolve how you can be a better friend to others. Any ideas?
Today's New Moon takes place at the top of your chart. It offers you a chance to examine your relationship with authority figures (including your parents). Do you show respect for others in a position of authority, which in turn only makes life easier for yourself?
What further education or training can you get that will make your life or your job easier for you? And where can you travel this year that will beautifully enrich your life? Today's New Moon urges you to broaden your horizons.
It's easy to spend money but harder to pay the bills. Today's New Moon is your best chance to make resolutions about how to deal with debt, taxes and shared property. What can you do to make this part of your life run more smoothly? (Robbing a bank is not the answer.)
Today the only New Moon directly opposite your sign all year is taking place. That means this is your best opportunity to think about how you can improve your close friendships and your partnerships. Relationships are especially important to Librans.
Think about how you can improve your job, get a better job, or improve your attitude to your job, or improve how you do your job. Today is your opportunity to think about this. Once you focus on your goals, you're skilled at making them a reality!
This is a good day to recognize your need to express yourself creatively. In our busy, materialist society, this need is increasingly overlooked, not only in our schools but especially in adulthood. Fortunately, primitive societies still recognize the need to sing, draw, dance, carve, weave and do karaoke.
Today's New Moon offers you a chance to resolve how to improve your home -- it's appearance, it's function, and also your enjoyment of it. This New Moon also offers you a chance to make resolutions about how to improve your relationships with family members. Hmmmm.
This is the perfect day to ask yourself how well you communicate with others. Do you really listen to others? Or are you waiting for your chance to say something? The richer your communications with others are, the richer and more fulfilling your life will be.
What are your attitudes to money? Our attitude to anything affects how it manifests in our lives. If you think money is dirty or evil, you won't have much of it. If you think it's easy come, easy go, you won't have any savings.
Actor James Caan (1939) shares your birthday today. You have a childlike enthusiasm for life. People become energized around you. Nevertheless, you also have a philosophical detachment to things, which makes you a shrewd observer of others, often in a witty way! You take your friendships seriously and enjoy lifelong friends. This year you'll build or construct something that is important to you. Your rewards will soon follow!