We have the "all clear" today to shop (whether you spend $10 or 10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Virgo.
You might come up with some new ideas about how to improve your health today. Or not. (But the stars do promote this possibility.) Similarly, you might see a way to improve your job or the way you do your job. Or you might even get an idea about how to get a better job.
Parents might see ways to improve their style of relating to children. Others might get more in touch with their creative expression -- singing, drawing, painting, whatever. You might also see a new approach to vacations or how to relax.
If you give it a bit of thought, you can discover something to do at home that will improve your lifestyle or the way you live or how you adore your home. Perhaps you can make improvements to how you relate to family members or other people at home?
In a subtle way, you want to make improvements to your life today. Perhaps you want to make improvements to your daily activities or the way you do things. Or perhaps you want to improve your style of communicating to others.
You're starting to develop a new attitude to money. You've decided you want to be more responsible and grown-up about all this, which of course doesn't preclude going out and blowing a wad when you want to have a good time! (Get real.)
You can definitely do something to improve your appearance or your health or your image in some way today. The Moon is in your sign getting a lovely boost from Pluto, the planet of reform. What can you do to make a better first impression on others? (Other than give them a $100 bill.)
Something secretive and behind-the-scenes is going on today. You might be engaged in secret activity. Or you might just want privacy to mentally and psychologically get your act together. Or you might discover a secret about someone!
A friend, especially a female friend, might have good advice to offer you. Or perhaps the reverse happens and you are giving a female friend the benefit of your experience? Similarly, in discussion with others, you might modify or slightly change your long-term goals for the future.
You probably have an opportunity (and an interest, as well) in improving your public image or the way that others in the world view you. Whatever you do today or how you dress and act, can promote greater respect for you in the eyes of others -- if you are aware of this process going on.
Conversations with others could slightly change your point of view about politics, religion or racial issues. You might come to a broader understanding or a better appreciation of something. Similarly, you might see a better way of trying to travel somewhere. Encouraging!
Today you have better ideas about how to share jointly held resources or shared property. You see a better way of making the most of what you have at hand and also what you have access to. Very likely this will happen in connection with a female friend or partner.
Anything can be improved because nothing is perfect. Today you might see a way to improve your relationship with a partner or close friend. This does not mean improving your partner! It means improving your relationship to your partner, which is quite another thing indeed.
Singer Roberta Flack (1937) shares your birthday today. You're capable of success in many areas; however, you want appreciation for your efforts. When you give your best, you need to be prized. Indeed, many of you easily attract attention. You're confident and you're a person of vision. (Just make sure you don't sell out.) A major change might take place this year, perhaps as significant as something around 2001.