We have the "all-clear" today to shop (whether you spend $10 or 10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Leo.
This continues to be a time of hard work. Forgive me, I know you're tired of hearing this. The last time this particular cycle occurred was in the late 1970s. By next year, you'll get recognition for all this effort!
It's most curious. Even though opportunities are available now to boost your career and make a name for yourself this year, down deep, you're not sure what you really want to do with your life! (Is this fortunate or cruel?)
Continue to work to establish a solid anchor for yourself in the world. You need to have a home that you know you can rely on. It might require another move or fixing up or renovating or repairing where you already live. Whatever it takes, do it.
You're never happy with too much transition and change. You're a nester; you like to know where your bed is at night. (And your duvet and your favourite pillow.) Nevertheless, residential changes and job moves are still on the horizon for some of you, especially late born Cancers. (Don't be the Queen of Denial.)
I urge all Leos this year to work to get out of debt. It's time for you to take a sober look at your finances and figure out how you want to earn money; and also what it is that really matters. To be free of debt gives you an enormous freedom of choice!
Because Saturn is still in your sign, where it has been for the last two years, you have to pull in your reins a bit. Don't be too ambitious about whatever you want to begin. Just focus on keeping it all together. There are too many other fresh "beginnings" to attend to.
For the last two years, you have been letting go, saying goodbye, moving on and giving up possessions, people and things. It's just what's happening in the big picture. All of this is the prep for what comes next year, which is a whole new sandbox!
Your challenge this year is to learn to work with others with skill and positive results and yet, at the same time, not sell out or lose your independence and your own personal integrity. Just be aware of this. Give thought to your long-term goals.
This is finally your time of harvest. Where you have planted well, you'll enjoy success. Where you have cut corners, well -- you know the drill. At worst, you see now what is not working in your life. At best, you see what is working. What more could anyone ask for? Clarity!
In so many ways, this is a time of preparation for you. You've been getting ready for this since 1996, and then again around 2003-04. In the next two years, you will achieve much of what you have been working for since those dates.
Your main challenge now is to learn how to get along on less because the resources of others -- your partner, your roommate, your renter, your scholarship, your bursary, whatever -- is no longer the support you once had.
Problems with ongoing partnerships and past partnerships are still in your lap. You'll sort things out. Whenever you get discouraged, remember that next year -- 2010 -- lucky Jupiter will be in your sign for the first time since 1998.
Actor Seth Green (1974) shares your birthday today. You're strong-willed and popular. People like you. This is because you're generous, direct, and you enjoy helping others because you're sensitive to their needs. In your 40s, you become more assertive and daring about whatever you want to do. (This quality remains for the rest of your life.) This year an important choice awaits you. Choose wisely!