We have the all-clear today to shop (whether you spend $10 or 10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Sagittarius.
Into every life a little rain must fall. Today is a rainy day even if the sun is shining because the Moon is on harsh terms with stern Saturn. You will feel discouraged about travel, or publishing, or education, or politics or religion. But it will be brief!
You might be briefly bummed out about money today, especially because you think you're not getting your fair share from somebody else. Perhaps you feel cheated or left out in the cold or forgotten. But ya know? When the annals of history are written all this stuff is peanuts, right?
Be patient with partners today. Be patient with yourself today. Be patient with the weather. Be patient with your bank account. Be patient with your kitchen, and especially your refrigerator. Don't let any of this get you down. Remember: It's always darkest before it gets pitch black.
Something to do with your health or something to do with your job might be discouraging today. So what? Some days are better than others. We have no concept of light without the concept of dark. How else can you know a great day unless you've had a few dumpy ones. And so it goes.
Romance is in the toilet today. You feel disappointed by someone who should be adoring you. I hate it when the adoring thing falls apart. However, we are all frail mortals struggling in this world. This definitely goes for children, too, and they might be a challenge as well today. Oy vey!
Family discussions are probably not happy and gay today. In fact, someone might be downright critical and in your face. (Dontcha love it?) There is no family on the planet that does not have negative times. It goes with the territory. (Tell me, as an outsider, what do you think of the human race?)
It's easy to feel critical, glum, down, broke, fat, dumpy and totally not cool today. If you're lucky, you won't feel any of these things. But some of you will. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. This is just a passing dark cloud on your horizon.
Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money? You feel financially squeezed today. Or you might feel disappointed about a particular possession you own. Or you might feel you just will never earn enough. This too shall pass.
Optimism and physical activity are survival issues for you. Today you feel isolated, lonely and cut off from others. Now hear this: it will only last for a few hours, so don't do anything rash. Go outside and do something that makes you huff and puff.
You might feel self-doubt or interior about something today. It's a second-guessing kind of day. Don't let this get you down. None of this is the truth.
A friend or someone older might be critical of you today. You need this like a fish needs a bicycle. Don't let this get you down. And don't respond in kind or you're only becoming like them! Be gracious but avoid them for a long time. A really long time.
Relations with parents, bosses and authority figures are definitely dicey today. Whatever you ask for, the answer will be "Talk to the hand." Therefore, give these people a wide berth. (Easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.)
Actor/filmmaker Buster Keaton (1895-1966) shares your birthday today. You have a sense of humour. You entertain others; and more than that, you want to make them think. Although you like everything around you to flow smoothly, personally, you're an eccentric. You push life; you go to the edge. You're devoted to family. You're in that game between ease of finishing something and beginning an entirely new cycle.