From 10:30 a.m. until 9 p.m. EST, avoid shopping or making important decisions today. After that the Moon is from Aquarius into Pisces. This is the Chinese New Year. (The Year of the Rat.)
This is the perfect day to think about your goals for the future. What do you want for yourself? It's also an excellent time to think about how to make your relationships with friends more rewarding. (And if you want more friends -- be friendly!)
Today is a day of beginnings. Therefore, it's totally appropriate to give some thought to your life direction in general. Are you headed in the direction you want to go? Do you even think about this? You can either respond to life, or you can make choices that take you in the direction you want to go.
This is the perfect day to take stock of your education and how well you're equipped to do what you want to achieve. Is your success hampered because you don't have a particular skill? What about your belief system? What do you believe in?
This is a marvelous day to make serious resolutions about how to deal with shared property, debt, taxes and anything that involves shared ownership. This includes insurance matters, inheritances, wills and also the responsibilities you have to or for others.
Your underlying expectations about partnerships dictate who you attract. If you believe others only want you for what you can do for them, you'll attract takers. What are your basic beliefs about partnerships?
This is the perfect day to modify your attitudes about work. If you do just enough to get by, and arrive late and leave early -- your work won't be satisfying. Do you take pride in what you do? Under what circumstances do you work the best?
We are a work oriented society. It's important to balance your work with sufficient playtime. Not only do you need to play it - you need to create! Children are in touch with their creativity. Are you? Can you colour inside the lines?
What can you do to improve your enjoyment of home and family? Home and family are a big part of your life. What makes you feel safe and secure? These are questions to ponder during this New Moon. What three things can you do to make things better?
Communications are vital. We communicate with loved ones, family members, neighbours, business associates, experts, and all kinds of people every day. If you don't communicate well, you're cutting yourself off from others and getting less support and helpful feedback from them.
With moneybags Jupiter in your sign this year, this is the perfect day to think about your attitude to money. If you think money is the root of all evil, you're unlikely to get much of it, or hold onto it for very long. Your attitude about a particular thing controls the way it manifest in your life.
Today's New Moon is in your sign. Take a look in the mirror. What kind of impression do you create? After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Does your image or style reflect the real you? People make judgments on how you look.
This is an excellent day for some self scrutiny. How are you your own worst enemy? In what areas of your life are you the most self-defeating? We all self sabotage ourselves in little ways. What are your little ways?
Comedian/actor Chris Rock (1966) shares your birthday today. You're warm, friendly and spontaneous. You have high ideals. You want to make the world a better place and you do whatever is within your power to make this so. You're a shrewd judge of character. You're outspoken if necessary. You will always fight for the underdog. Your year head is full of new beginnings because you're beginning of fresh nine-year cycle.