We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions. The Moon is in Scorpio.
Today is an excellent opportunity for you to improve your health in some way. Introduce better diet habits or some kind of exercise. (You could always jog in front of the fridge.) You can also introduce reforms and better ways of doing your job.
Make improvements to where you live today. Take out the garbage. Clean bathrooms and plumbing areas. In particular, tackle dark, laundry areas or places that collect yucky dust and cobwebs. Just roll up your sleeves and dig in. And throw out clutter and junk!
Your style of communicating is a very powerful today. You'll be able to convince others to do things in a better way. People are prepared to listen to you. You really sound like you know what you're talking about. (If you don't -- don't let on.)
It's entirely possible you might dream up new sources of earning money. Or you might see new applications for possessions you already own. ("My goodness -- my old Volkswagen could become a floor lamp. How cool is that?")
This is the perfect day to think about how you can improve your appearance, and in particular, how you can improve your health. Think of some minor, little change that you can make in your daily diet. (If it's a daily regime -- it will make a big difference in the long run.)
This is a wonderful day to make a list. Make a list about what you could do to improve your overall scene -- where you live, how you appear to others, how you dress, what you read, how you relate to people, how you take care of business, how you store what you own -- the works.
Think of ways to use your energy in conjunction with others -- perhaps a friend or even a group -- so that you can make improvements in the world around you. The planetary aspects today urge you to introduce reforms somewhere, and if it benefits society as well as yourself -- you really win big!
Think about how you relate to authority figures. We all have authority figures in our lives -- bosses, parents, teachers -- the police. Do you immediately get defensive or rebellious? What can you do to improve your relations with authority figures? In fact, how can you help them?
If you quit growing and learning -- you grow old. No matter what your chronological age. (There are people in their early 30s who are simply stuck, rigid and square!) If you keep learning, you'll never be youthless. What can you do to learn something new?
Today the stars can help you to be unusually resourceful. In particular, you might see how others can get better use out of what they own. You might also see new applications for things that are jointly held with someone else. Dare to be original!
The Sun is opposite your sign receiving a transforming power from Pluto. What does this mean? It means today is an opportunity for you to see how to improve your partnerships and your closest relationships. Better yet, can you use a partnership to benefit others as well?
This is a great day to think about how to improve your health and how to improve your job. Make a list. Act on impulse. Better yet, involve others in your cause. If the improvements you introduce spread beyond you -- your benefit will be even greater. (Would I kid you?)
Actor Mathew Perry (1969) shares your birthday today. You have an easy confidence that helps you socialize successfully. No matter how public you are, you have private issues to conceal. (But you always present a solid, strong front.)Whether you try to or not, you easily influence others. You're unusually patient and hard working. Something you've been involved with for about nine years might end this year.