We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions until 10:15 p.m. EDT today. The Moon is in Capricorn.
Something unexpected you could occur at home or with a family member today. Surprise company might drop by. (Do you have anything in the fridge?) Alternatively, expected company could be a no-show. You might also buy something high-tech or some kind of modern art.
You feel restless today. You're in the mood for something different. Expect to meet new faces or see new places. Your everyday routine will hold something unusual. Because your mind is thinking out of the box, you're full of bright ideas!
Spontaneous purchases are likely today. However, keep an eye on your money. You might lose some; you might find some. You might also have inventive, new ideas for making money. This is a busy, restless but adventurous day. Enjoy!
You feel very alive and mentally awake today. There's an exciting, expectant quality in the air. ("Is something burning?") This is the day to tackle problems you've been unable to solve. Solutions you didn't see before might now appear out of the ether. Eureka! (Why did this apple fall from the tree?)
Secret flirtations or unusual situations will make this day a bit different for you. Get out and do something different. Without question, you're restless. You're bored with the same old same old. You need to do something out of the ordinary. "Hi Darth."
You'll either meet somebody unusual and a bit bizarre today or alternatively, someone you already know will do something that surprises you. Make an effort to contact groups, clubs and organizations. The ideas will fly! People are saying and doing unusual things. ("Here's that fifty I borrowed seven years ago.")
Your involvement with bosses, parents and teachers could lead to a few surprises today. Or you might surprise them. People are doing the unexpected. You might have a chance to show others how avant-garde and modern you are. ("Wanna see my tattoo?")
You be delighted to learn anything new and different today. You're hungry for knowledge and the experience of different places and distant cultures. Unusual subjects will appeal to you. Travel if you can. Explore different subjects and exotic concepts.
Unexpected help from surprising sources is possible today. Be open to anything. Your window of opportunity will be very brief so be ready to act. Someone could offer their time, their money or the use of something they own. Helpful information might suddenly come to you.
Conversations with partners and close friends will take a surprising turn today. Casual relationships could suddenly become committed. People will definitely do things and say things you're not expecting. Stay light on your feet. Seek out stimulating people and listen to their insights.
Bright new ideas about how to do your job in a better way, especially through technology, could occur to you today. Possibly coworkers or a friend will give you a hot tip that is beneficial to know. Your day will not be routine. Expect interruptions. Hopefully, they're pleasant.
New flirtations might make your day! Surprise invitations for some fun can also come your way. Parents should keep an eye on children because they might do something unusual or suddenly wander away. Electronic entertainment and computer games will appeal. You want adventurous fun! Good day for a party.
Activist/actress Sally Struthers (1948) shares your birthday today. Your resourcefulness allows you to make the best of any situation. Because of your regal authority, you want to be first in whatever you do. (And you generally are!) Once you're determined to get your way - nothing stops you. Your challenge is to learn to love unconditionally and to accept unconditional love from others. The year ahead could be one of the best years of your life!