We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions. The Moon is in Libra.
This is the perfect day to sit down with partners and close friends and make some long-range plans for the future. It's a particularly good day for parents to discuss the welfare of children. Or children might want discuss the welfare of parents. (My parents turned out pretty good.)
You're in a sensible frame of mind today. Try to accomplish some tasks. Why not write out a To Do list? Even if you only get three things done - that's something. Focus on what you need to get done at home. (Or perhaps with family obligations.)
This is a great day to make plans for vacations, parties, entertaining diversions, sports, or how to snare someone you have a crush on. Essentially this is a playful day with serious, practical overtones. This is the day to make plans that are necessary to have fun later! (Even fun can be work.)
Some weekends are great to play -- and others are better for getting stuff done. Today has strong elements of the latter. In other words, tackle some of those tasks at home you've been meaning to do for ages. You might also make contact with family members. Just get it done!
This is a good day for any kind of long-range planning about the future. You might want to have serious discussions with siblings. It's also a good day for signing contracts and entering into agreements with others. You're in a practical frame of mind.
If shopping today, you'll want to buy practical items that last a long time. This is also a good day to make long-range financial plans. Or you might want to sit down with someone and figure out a budget. (Horrors! Budgeting can be such a drag.)
The Moon is in your sign today, which brings you a little bit of extra good luck. However, it makes a very nice aspect to Saturn, which definitely promotes all kinds of practical planning. Someone older might give you some excellent advice. ("Never eat yellow snow.")
Any kind of work you do behind the scenes or work that you do alone will probably go very well today. You're ready to roll up your sleeves and tackle some practical tasks. You want results! If partners want to argue - don't take the bait.
Someone older, probably a female, could have some very good advice for you today. On the other hand, (you have different rings) you might be the older female dispensing advice to others. If you are, make sure they buy your drinks.
Quite likely you will do something that calls attention to you today. You might be offering advice to others; or you might sit down with someone and make long-range plans that could affect your life direction. (Or you might just rent a movie.)
Discussions about travel plans or anything to do with publishing and the media will go well today. You might want to study something about other cultures or other countries. Practical information can definitely help you. If you're visiting a foreign country, learn how to find the bathroom.
Since you're working so hard now, you might welcome the advice or assistance from someone older. It does appear that you can benefit in a practical way from someone else's experience or even someone else's possessions or wealth. Accept whatever comes your way.
Actor Robin Williams (1952) shares your birthday today. You're very physical in your approach to life. You seek out adventure. You also love to entertain and are a natural performer, which is why people seek you out. Sometimes you even like to tempt danger. You always enjoy a good time. You're beginning a new cycle this year. Many opportunities will arise. Open any door!