We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions. The Moon is in Virgo.
Today and tomorrow you have tremendous, sustained energy. Whatever you do, you will endure magnificently. Therefore, tackle tasks that might normally intimidate you or depress you. Roll up your sleeves and dive in. You'll be like a hot knife cutting through butter. Varrroom!
Your powers of research today are incredible. You will likely find whatever you're searching for. If you work in investigation of any kind, make good use of today and tomorrow, because you can come up with answers, solutions and results. You're like a hawk. (Scary.)
Join forces with others, or perhaps rally people to your side to collectively bring about improvements in some area. This could involve using the resources of others or especially raising funds. You can really rouse the troops because your enthusiasm is contagious!
Your tenacity, your stick-to-it-iveness, and your determination combined with your aroused ambition make you a lethal weapon today. Bosses, VIPs, parents, teachers and anyone in power will sit up and take notice if you make any suggestions. And if you're the boss - the rest will roll over and follow.
It's easy to put out some serious, sustained effort in areas related to publishing, the media, education, medicine and the law. You're determined, and you're tireless. With this winning combo, you'll accomplish a lot. You're also extremely convincing today, especially about politics, religion and philosophy.
This is a wonderful time to make reforms in your life. Cut back or stop doing something harmful to yourself. Encourage positive, healthy habits. Do whatever you can to become a better person. And if others are listening to you, why not preach a little? (But only if you follow your own advice.)
With the cooperation of partners and close friends today, you can practically move mountains. (Well, at least little mounds.) Join forces with someone to make something happen. However, resist the urge to "improve" this person. (You can only work on yourself, which is what actually motivates you anyway.)
A lovely combination of energy (today and tomorrow) allows you to accomplish a lot. First, you have the drive, the energy, and the determination. Secondly, people in power will cooperate with your agenda. Easy as pie. In fact, your efforts today could ultimately boost your future income.
You want to play! Everyone around you is working, but you want to escape somewhere adventurous and exciting. At the very least, you want to learn something stimulating, challenging and wondrous. Great day to book a vacation, or make plans for fun learning of any kind. "Vas is das?"
You've been making great changes at home, renovating, redecorating and getting rid of stuff. Oy vey. What a mess! Today however, you smell a pay off. Go for the gold! The wealth and resources of others can definitely benefit you, and perhaps even pay some of these mounting bills. Shee!
This is a wonderfully social day. Wherever you turn, cooperation is at hand - even from fussy partners. People are ready to listen to you today. Your enthusiasm for something is so contagious, you can start a petition. (One of your favourite things to do.)
An excellent day for business and commerce. You might see new applications for existing items or situations. You'll have no trouble persuading the powers that be to endorse your plans. It all looks good; and you feel modestly smug. And why not? It was all your idea.
Actress Nicole Kidman (1967) shares your birthday today. You're excitable, emotional and enthusiastic about life. People love to be in your presence because you energize them. You often make decisions based on your feelings rather than your logic because that's just your style. In the year ahead, your power is strong. It could be one of the best years of your life. Go after whatever you want.