We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions. The Moon is in Aries.
This is an excellent day to make some long-range plans regarding vacations and travel and all that fun stuff. it's also a good day to make social plans and draw up lists of people to invite to parties you'd like to throw but probably won't.
You're in the mood to do some quiet, practical planning today. Quite likely, it will be about something to do with your home or your family. You're definitely a person who likes well-planned endings. You want to have your future secured!
Someone older or more experienced and you can probably give you some good advice today. Even though you're bright and clever, why not learn from the mistakes of others? Listen to what is offered. You might be really glad you did.
Conversations with parents, bosses or authority figures in your life can turn out to be productive and helpful today. In particular, discussions that could help you in your job or promote your earnings could be beneficial. Someone who is more experienced than you might save you time and money.
Make plans connected with some ideas you have for future travel. Iron out some of the little details. In a similar way, you might make plans connected with education, publishing or legal matters. This can be a productive day for you.
Take care of some red tape details that still haunt you. Insurance matters, or anything connected with taxes, debt and other people's money are areas you might want to look into. Someone older might discuss how to share their property or their belongings.
More than any other sign, you need companionship in your life. This is a good day to think about how others benefit you and in turn, how you can benefit them. Partners and close friends who are older and more experienced might have something particularly valuable to offer you.
Spend part of this day trying to get better organized. A boss or parent might have some good suggestions for you. Think of ways that you can improve your job or how you do your job. You have a lot on your plate right now; and fortunately, someone in power wants your input.
Something to do with your in-laws, or grandchildren, or children, or perhaps even romantic interests has your attention today. Do something practical that has a benefit for all involved in the future. This could involve making travel arrangements for reunions or future visits.
Since you're renovating, redecorating or making big changes at home right now, you need the resources of others to help you. This is a good day to figure out exactly what needs to be done and line it up for the next week. If you know what you want to accomplish, you can save time and money.
Although this is a playful time for you, today you're in a serious frame of mind. Someone older might help you in some way or offer you some good advice. In turn, you might be the older person offering help to someone else. Either way, it's all good.
If you're shopping today, you'll want to buy things that are practical and long-lasting. You're full of lots of commonsense today. This is a good day to buy tools or items that help you to do your job better. Better efficiency means more time for you to play later!
Model/actress Elizabeth Hurley (1965) shares your birthday today. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" definitely applies to you. When situations become difficult, you're ready to step up to plate. Challenges do not daunt you. You're caring and compassionate. You see protection from distractions through work. You understand there are many sides to the human condition. Seek out solitude in the year ahead to learn something important.