Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 3:15 p.m. until 10:45 p.m. EDT today. The New Moon takes place in Taurus at 3:27 p.m. EDT.
Use today's New Moon to think about your attitude and feelings about money. Your attitude about something controls the way it manifest in your life. If you think money is the root of all evil, you won't hold on to it too long.
This is the only New Moon in your sign all year. It's a perfect opportunity to think about the first impression you create on others. Does your image or style reflect the real you? You never get a second chance to create a first impression.
This New Moon can help you identify the areas where you might be the most self-defeating. Identifying them is the first step to dealing with them and removing their power to botch up your life. How are you your own worst enemy?
Today's New Moon is the perfect time to assess how satisfied you are with your friendships. Do you reach out to others or expect them to reach out to you? After all, you are responsible for the people you attract to you.
This is the perfect day to take a good look at your career or your life direction and see where it's going. What are your goals? What do you have to do to start to realize these goals? Do you need any more training in any area? What does your boss think of you?
The New Moon today wants to make you aware of your life belief systems. Whether it's a religion or philosophy - what do you believe in? Your beliefs about how things work is how things work in your life! Are you happy with the education you have? Education is a big factor in pursuing a career.
This is a good day to study the balance between how much you depend on the resources and wealth of others, and how much you can stand on your own two feet. Are you happy with the balance? Do you compromise with partners and friends when your values differ?
Did you know that we subconsciously seek out the very people who confirm our beliefs about relationships and our own lovability. If you don't feel that lovable, you'll reject someone who truly loves you. If you think people only want you for what you can do for them - you'll attract takers.
Each New Moon is an opportunity to make resolutions or set intentions to improve our life in some way. This particular New Moon wants you to focus on your health and how useful or productive you feel in the world. Are you happy with your work style? Or do you just do enough to get by?
You're a perfectionist who is very aware of the impression you create on your audience. Your reputation matters to you. Therefore, many of you are workaholics. Your job becomes your life. It's time to ask: are you playing enough?
What is it that really gives you a sense of security? Do you know? Does the structure of your home and personal life either conform to or defy your parents' expectations? Is your home life satisfying and harmonious?
Communication is important because how you relate to others and how they perceive you are a big part of your life. Today's New Moon wants you to observe your style of communicating. After all, if you don't communicate, you cut yourself off from humanity.
Actor Pierce Brosnan (1953) shares your birthday today. You have a colorful charm that others find appealing. You're not afraid to express your emotions. Many of you are in fact, eccentric. You like to dress well; you are always aware of the impression you create on your audience. You're very kind and affectionate to loved ones. You will likely face an important choice this year - choose wisely.