We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions until 10:15 p.m. EDT. The Moon is in Libra.
Today and tomorrow, it's very easy for you to overestimate something or conversely, underestimate something. Perhaps you don't have the full picture? (Maybe the picture hasn't even been taken yet?) Be realistic in your thinking.
A friend or a member of group (or perhaps entire Russian army) might promise you something that is actually not going to happen. Or the flip-flop could happen. You might make promises to others that you ultimately cannot keep. Keep your eyes open!
It's very tempting to say something to partners or bosses to keep them happy today, even if you're not sure you can deliver the goods. Be very careful about doing this. Your reach can definitely exceed your grasp right now. Who wants egg on their face? "Not I," said lucky ducky.
Don't go overboard dealing with matters connected with publishing, the media, education, travel, medicine and the law. Your judgment could be off here. Resist the urge to proselytize or convince others to agree with your religious, political or whatever beliefs. Do they want to hear this?
Be careful if you have to divide something with someone today. And be careful if you're dealing with other people's property or making decisions about shared property. If you think your judgment might be off, it probably is. Don't bet the farm.
Don't make promises to partners and close friends that you're doubtful about keeping. It's very easy to do this both today and tomorrow. The downside is you disappoint others or embarrass yourself. Don't even go there. Be cautious in everything you agree to do. ("Eight ball in the corner pocket.")
Guard your best interests at work by not overextending yourself in any way. Don't agree to anything if you think you can't do it. Give yourself plenty of leeway. Don't get talked into anything if you think it smells fishy because sure as shootin' whenever you suspect something smells fishy - it is!
Be levelheaded today dealing with children and young people. You might be tempted to make broad gestures or big promises that are not realistic. In the same way, don't kid yourself about anything if you're gambling. Things might look rosier today than they really are.
You've got big ideas about home and family situations right now. They might entail repairs, or entertaining, or some kind of family discussion. Whatever it is, do your best to be practical and realistic. (It's okay to have your head in the clouds as long as you have your feet on the ground.)
You're very enthusiastic about something today! You're ready to sell the Brooklyn Bridge to someone. Just make sure you have all your ducks lined up in a row. It's easy to overestimate things today, because you're wearing rose tinted glasses.
In one way, this could be a good financial day for business and finances. But it's also easy to think something is better than it is. Or you might bite off more than you can chew, or buy something you can't afford. Forewarned is forearmed.
You feel optimistic today! You're making big plans. You're setting long-range goals. However, it's easy to overlook important details today. Make sure you have your facts straight if you're making any important decisions. Don't kid yourself about anything (you know who you are.) Everyone likes a kidder but no one lends him money.
Actor Eddie Murphy (1961) shares your birthday today. You're essentially a fun-loving person. Nevertheless, you're also serious about whatever matters to you. In fact, you're more than serious -- you're passionate! Once you embrace something, you give it your all. You have an excellent understanding about what makes people tick. You can be very direct. This year you will learn something very valuable.