We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions. The Moon is in Virgo.
Things are a bit calmer because the Full Moon has now peaked; nevertheless, this is still a bit of a squishy day. It starts off in a buoyant mood, and gets more intense as today wears on. Aries and 'intense' do not always mix well. (Eeek!)
You would like to party today or at least, just take it easy. Sports (as a participant or a spectator) would be another good option. Parents should be more patient with children today. Today is better than yesterday but romance can be touchy. (Hey - you're a tactile sign.)
Try to get the cooperation of partners and friends to make improvements to where you live. I suggest you start with throwing out or recycling what you no longer need. Reduce the clutter in your life. Clean up your act. (If you do this, even for 30 minutes -- you'll love yourself for it later.)
Many little glitches with daily communications, finances, shared possessions and the responsibilities you have for others have been in the works lately. Now that the Full Moon has peaked, things will improve -- a little. (I cannot tell a lie.) Be ever vigilant.
Goofy errors with credit cards and financial matters and cold hard cash dog your footsteps lately. Oh well. It was ever thus. Romance and fun stuff are blessed; but somehow, you're taking things very intensely today. Think The Godfather: "It's nothing personal."
Old contacts, ex-partners et al are back in Dodge. You can cope with this. Be patient with family members today. The best ways to use today's energy is to de-clutter where you live. Get rid of garbage and stuff you no longer really use.
It's very easy to have an inappropriate reaction to things today. Knowing this ahead of time, temper your response to others. Avoid knee-jerk reactions. Use a wait-and-see approach. Later you might be glad you did. (If you have to eat crow pie, add lots of whipped cream.)
Resist the urge to go overboard spending money on friends today. Let them spend money on you! Be cautious about reactions to things, especially later in the day. When you decide to come on strong, it makes people's hair blow back over their ears.
Don't be reactionary with bosses, parents and VIPs today. Cool your jets. In one way it's easy to go overboard, and in another way it's easy to overreact to things. Dangerous combo! Just assume everything will work out all right.
Don't get sucked in to arguments about politics, religion or philosophical questions. Ditto for racial questions. These are all hot topics and very poor subjects to discuss today. Just take it easy. (Tomorrow is a much better day.)
It's not easy to make a good judgment call about shared property, the responsibilities for others, or disputes about differences in values. You can't even agree on which bills to pay. Therefore, let sleeping dogs lie. Don't make a big deal about anything.
Be mellow in all your dealings with partners, parents, and authority figures today. Excessive reactions and intense feelings about things are just waiting to grab you by the throat. Don't succumb to this. An old Chinese proverb says, "Better the cottage where one is merry than the palace where one weeps."
Actress Catherine O'Hara (1954) shares your birthday today. You have a strong, quiet discipline that allows you to work on your own. You're focused; you can accomplish a lot. This is also why you're independent. You take charge of running your home or workplace. You like a system that works. Make time for increased solitude in the year ahead because you're going to learn or study something important.