The New Moon occurs today at 11:14 a.m. EST in Aquarius. Avoid shopping are making important decisions from 11 a.m. until 1:45 p.m. EST today. After that the Moon is in Pisces.
Today's New Moon is a good time to ask yourself about the friends you have. Do you hang out with quality people? Friends are important because they influence your mind and hence your choices for your future. Something to think about.
Today's New Moon is the perfect time to give some serious thought to your career direction in general. Where do you want to be 10 years from now? Five years? What do you have to do today to begin to go in that direction? (New Moons are times of beginnings.)
This is a good day to make some resolutions about travel, education and training. What you want to do in these areas in order to improve your life or your career? What kind of new experiences will broaden your life in a meaningful way?
Each New Moon offers us a chance to make resolutions or pull our act together in some way. Today's New Moon urges you to define the obligations and responsibilities you have others. This includes matters related to debt, taxes and shared property.
This is the only New Moon directly opposite your sign all year. That means this is an opportunity to think about how you can improve your closest friendships and partnerships. Remember for a relationship to be successful you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you.
You couldn't find a better day than today to think about how you improve your job or how you do your job. This New Moon is the perfect opportunity for you to cultivate some new habits or take a new approach to things. Make a list.
More than any other sign, you are constantly striving to find a balance in your life. Today's New Moon is all about finding a balance between play and creativity versus work and your responsibilities. Life cannot be all one or the other.
This is the perfect day to ask yourself how you can improve things within your family dynamic or also how to improve how your home situation is set up. Are you happy with your domestic scene? Does it work for you? What changes would you like to make?
Today's New Moon is a chance to make resolutions. Ask yourself if you are clear in your communications with others. Do people hear what you're trying to say? (The fact that people don't understand you doesn't make you an artist.)
Each New Moon gives us an opportunity to examine our attitudes about things. What are your attitudes about money? If you think money is dirty, you probably don't have much of it. Money is energy to be used in any way that you want.
Today's New Moon is in your sign, which means this is one of the best days all year for you to take a hard look at your image. What do you see when you look in the mirror? Can you make improvements?
The New Moon today is a reminder that you need to have a balance between what is practical and realistic and what is more esoteric or spiritual in your life. The right balance will give you delusions of adequacy.
Celebrity Paris Hilton (1981) shares your birthday today. You have a strong spirit. No matter what your background, you're prepared to overcome whatever obstacles you encounter. You're ambitious and realistic. You definitely go after what you want. Self-development is a personal theme in your life. The year ahead offers new opportunities and fresh paths. Open any door! It's time to begin a new cycle.