We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions until 8:15 p.m. EST. The Moon is in Sagittarius.
Surprise news connected with shared property or jointly held possessions or perhaps your partner's income could occur today. Similarly, you might have an unexpected sexy response to someone. (Be still my beating heart.) Something surprising (and intense) will take place. Think positive.
Unexpected suggestions from partners and close friends can make today memorable and exciting. It is definitely not business as usual. New faces or new ways of doing things are a stimulating addition to your day. Be patient with others. Be ready to jump in either direction.
New technology or unexpected news make your workday different. Staff changes and interruptions to your daily schedule are likely. But most of these changes or surprises are pleasant and exciting. Hey - you like novelty and a relief from a predictable day. It's something different!
Parents should be alert with children today. Unpredictable events can take place. In all likelihood, these are harmless. However, whenever children undergo a change of routine, anything can happen. In another vein (opposite arm) new flirtations can spice things up. Woo, woo!
This is not a typical day at home or a typical way of relating to family members. Something is different. Everything is sixes and sevens. Unexpected outings or surprise company dropping by are both likely. Suffice to say things will not go as planned today.
New friends, new acquaintances, and new faces make this a different day for you. Your mind is alive and mentally alert. Because of this, you may discover solutions to old problems or see new ways of doing things. Any new phenomenon will interest you. Spontaneous short trips appeal.
Spontaneous purchases or changes to your cash flow are possible today. You might come up with some brilliant, moneymaking ideas. You might buy something rather unusual and novel, or perhaps something high tech and computer related.
You feel very alive and awake today. Everything you encounter has an exciting quality to it. Avoid routine and boredom (which will drive you nuts.) At the very least, break with your usual routine. Be open to unusual experiences that come your way. The more open you are -- the better your day will be.
This is a wonderful day for research of any kind. You're almost guaranteed to come up with solutions to old problems. Your approach to understanding anything will be new and fresh. It's easy to think out-of-the-box today.
Either a friend or a member of a group will surprise you today, or you will meet someone who is unusual and bizarre. You're attracted to people who are different from you today. You might also have some high tech discussions with others, or conversations about aviation and advanced ideas. "To infinity and beyond!"
Bosses, parents, VIPs and authority figures could throw you a curveball today. Quite likely, somebody will say or do something that surprises you. ("Luke, I am your father.") For some, ideas of increased independence or self-employment loom on the horizon. ("I gotta be me.")
This is an excellent day to take up any kind of study or pursue new subjects of interest. You're genuinely interested in discovering new ideas and fresh ways of thinking. Anything that reveals new aspects of the universe will delight you. (Yes, even that.)
Actress Scarlett Johansson (1984) shares your birthday today. You're independent. You march to your own drummer. This is because you're not a slave to what others think about you. Family is important; and you're an excellent parent. You make your own rules when it comes to your private life and daily lifestyle. The year ahead is full of fun times, social interactions and marriage for many of you.