We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions. The Moon is in Sagittarius.
Never lose sight of the fact that at this stage in your life, you're wondering what you really want to be when you grow up. Although some of you have increased responsibilities with children at this time, all of you are wondering how you can sing your song!
Continue to focused on domestic and real estate matters. At this time in your life, you need to establish a firm anchor for yourself. Where do you live? Some will renovate; others will buy or sell. You need a cozy, warm nest.
You're undergoing a two-year window where there will be changes in your job, your residence or both. Actually, you're putting the finishing touches on the new you which began in 2001. Are you ready to come out and play, yet?
You're concerned with your employment scene. You're wondering what to do to earn money. But internally, you're trying to establish a value system that will serve you well in the future. What really matters to you?
Many of you are already in a new sandbox. Others are in a state of transition. Either way, there's no question this is a time of major change and flux in your life. It's time to go with the flow and more than that -- to do it with panache and flair!
It's important to let go of what is no longer relevant or meaningful. Quit carrying around baggage you no longer need. In the year ahead, you'll let go of people, places and possessions. This is not loss. This is liberation. Whee!
You enjoy company. Right now you're striving to find a balance between your own independence and integrity, versus interacting with the tribe. This balancing act might apply to you and one other person in your life. It's always challenge. You don't want to lose your identity or power of action.
This is one the most powerful times of your life in a 30 year cycle. You can see quite clearly what is working, and what is not working. That makes this the time to cut your losses. It's also the time to make the most of what is working.
You're future oriented. That's why this is an exciting time in your life. You smell success down the block right around the corner. Naturally, this thrills you. (I never met a Sag. who wasn't looking for a chance to make a big killing.)
In many ways, you've been getting your house in order. You have proved to yourself you can get along with less. Diminished resources from others have shown you that you can stand on your own two feet with a straight spine. This is enormously empowering.
It's been a testing time for your closest partnerships and relationships. That's because stern Saturn is opposite your sign. (He will continue to stay there another year.) Ultimately, this is in order to help you to sail into the world with greater confidence, and to cultivate serious, doable goals. (Like wow.)
You've been working hard; and this is not going to go away. You have to continue to work hard for another year. But you can do it. At times, you might feel overwhelmed, but you will achieve what you need to. Following that, recognition and approbation are yours. "Look Ma! No hands!"
Actress Gwyneth Palthrow (1972) shares your birthday today. You're a romantic. You have great taste. Others find you alluring and magnetic. You often have sexy escapades that others envy. (Life is an emotional roller coaster!) You love beauty, and you admire strength in others. You doggedly pursue your goals. Something you've been involved with for the past nine years will end this year.