We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today. The Moon is in Gemini.
Resist the temptation to manipulate somebody threw guilt or other ploys You'll regret it immediately. Anyhow, it's not your style. You're very forthright and direct. Just accept what is happening right now. It won't be like this forever.
You might feel jealous or some kind of disquieting feeling with respect to a friend or a group. Is there something you can't let go of? Some kind of emotion pulls you in mixed directions. You might even feel confused about something. Let it go. These feelings pass by tomorrow.
Yikes! Relations with bosses and parents might be volatile. Everything is intense. Nothing is laid-back. Discussions have a do or die quality about them. You also might have a hot and heavy crush in your boss. If so, it overtakes you today.
Passionate arguments about philosophy, religion or politics could erupt. You have strong opinions about issues. You might feel tense about racial situations, foreign countries or publishing and the media. Like Peter Finch, you're "mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!"
You feel sexually passionate today. If you're not aware of where all this energy is coming from, you might feel driven to do some kind of work. Don't be surprised to find yourself throwing out stuff, getting rid of garbage or recycling what you're not using.
Some kind of relationship is coming to an end now perhaps because one of you (probably you) is demanding a deeper level of honesty. This might be beyond what your partner can offer. There is such a thing as the full cup and the full thimble.
You might have to sever certain relationships at work. These no longer serve your purpose or offer you anything. You're not being callous. There's only 24 hours each day, and you have to devote it to relationships that mean something.
Romance is passionate today. Issues are breast-beating and over-the-top! Some relationships might end. Everything to do with the arts or relating to children today is also very emotional or passionate. Get through this day one moment at a time. Breathe deeply and smile.
You know you have to give up something at home, and yet you don't want to do it. This could be an item of clothing, a piece of furniture or it might even be a person! There is a quality of hanging on in your life right now. (Your first loss is your cheapest loss.)
Discussions with siblings, relatives and neighbours are intense today. You want others to see your POV. You're convinced you're right about something. And you might be. But if you can't make others listen to you, don't go overboard trying. Let it go.
You have strong feelings about money or perhaps a possession or something you own. You don't want to give it away or let it go. If you're shopping, you feel you absolutely have to have something. It doesn't make sense, but these strong feelings occur to you today.
Fair Venus is in your sign making a harsh aspect to big Daddy Pluto. This means you might be upset with someone. Perhaps you want more from a relationship that it can actually deliver. This kind of aspect is a classic signal for breakups. Go gently today.
Actress Kirsten Dunst (1982) shares your birthday. You're industrious, loyal and well organized. You're also a rebel. (You call your own shots.) You need lots of love and affection; and you have lots to give in return. You enjoy your creature comforts. You admire clever people. In your early 20s, you love travel and learning. By 51, you most value home, family and stability. This year blesses all social occasions and warm partnerships!