We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today. The Moon is in Leo.
You're a feisty Fire Sign. We know this. As the day wears on, you might find your patience shortens. If you tangle with anyone today, especially this evening, it will be nasty. Therefore, cool your jets.
You're never casual about money and finances. That's why it's easy for you to get your belly in a rash about your possessions or your earnings, especially as the day wears on. Don't even go there. Mars and Pluto are involved and this will get dark and malevolent.
Fiery Mars is in your sign now. By the middle of the night, it will directly oppose Pluto. This is highly contentious! It's very easy for you to get into an argument with partners and close friends. Therefore, be patient. Keep smiling. Don't lose your cool.
Something you can't put your finger on might bother you today. You might feel others are planning behind your back. They're conspiring against you. This isn't so. It just feels like that. Let all these crazy feelings pass. By Sunday, you feel great!
You're flamboyant, and you're a natural leader. When you're feeling confident you can a bit arrogant at times. (Moi? Non!) Oui! Don't try to win an argument with friends or a group. It's not worth it. Keep your fine reputation and your lovely friends. Let it pass.
Today and tomorrow are classic days for arguments and fights with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. This could include the police. Since power struggles are almost unavoidable, don't even go there! You can't win. Pluto (think Darth Vader) is in the picture.
A rather harsh planetary aspect is starting to form today. It can make you get caught up in arguments about religion, politics and philosophical issues. Don't fall for this. (That way lays madness!) We're all different. Some prefer rice; some prefer bread; some prefer potatoes. (I prefer vodka.)
Don't be suckered in by someone about who's responsible for what or how you're going to share something. You'll be tempted; but you will only lose face! And losing face does not make you feel sexy and thin. Oh no. The minute you see discussions starting to heat up -- back off.
Pluto is in your sign now, and today (actually late tonight) fiery Mars will oppose it. This sets off quite a dynamic! It's a classic power struggle. (No, it isn't. Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Yes, it is. No, it isn't! ) Oy! If you want to keep things friendly, keep walking.
Your sign can use the current conflict between Mars and Pluto very well. Instead of fighting with someone -- you can get to work! Furthermore, you can accomplish a tremendous amount. After all, it's just energy. It's like a hammer. A hammer can hurt someone or it can build a house.
Parents must be patient with children today. Especially this evening. Power struggles are erupting everywhere. Children are too young to know how to control their impulses. They just have meltdowns. When in doubt -- there's nothing like a hug to fix things.
Domestic conflicts with parents and authority figures are likely today. Each party thinks they know what's best for the other and vice versa. However, it takes two make a fight. Think about it. (What if they threw a war and everyone brought a covered dish? It could be a potluck!)
Actor Russell Crowe (1964) shares your birthday. Because you're dynamic and energetic, you approach life with much physicality. You're enthusiastic about whatever you like. Your success is due to your belief in yourself. People often come to depend on you. (You don't mind this.) Privately, you're quite spiritual. The year ahead is full of exciting, fresh, new beginnings. Open any door!