Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 10:15 a.m. until 3:40 p.m. EST today. After that, the Moon is in Aries.
A pleasant reminder: for the rest of the year, you'll receive gifts, goodies and support from others. It's the best it's been in over a decade! Why? Call it your lucky stars. The universe will be as bountiful to you as you have been to others in the past. (Fortunately, you're a generous sign.)
Partnerships and close friends are particularly rewarding to you this year. In fact, they will prove to be a great source of joy for you - greater than you have experienced in years! Be open to what the universe has to offer to you now. Why diminish joy?
I've said it before and I'll say it again (after all there are two of you) you can make enormous strides and great improvements to your job this year. Think positive! Expect the best. You'll either find a new, wonderful job; or you will change your current job into something you love.
Never forget what a fabulous year this is for your sign! For starters, most of you will have a wonderful vacation this year. In addition to this, romance, love affairs and the arts are beautifully blessed! Activities and dealings with children go extremely well. Family additions are likely. Bonus!
You'll always look back on this year as one where you beautifully enhanced your home and your family environment. You feel enriched not only by where you live, but also with whom you live, and the loved ones who surround you. (Yes, I know it's all very touchy-feely but it's your horoscope.)
For a variety of reasons, you're inexplicably happier this year. Call it an optimism factor. (Sounds reasonable to me.) Your optimism factor has gone up! You expect more for yourself each and every day -- and why not? (It's a Jupiter thang.)
It's so wonderful (actually, a relief) that you're earning more money this year. You have impeccable taste and the only problem is you keep buying beautiful things that cost money. (What a bore.) However, the cash is definitely flowing, and your assets are increasing. (Whew!)
All kinds of wonderful opportunities and beneficial events, in addition to people, invitations, and pleasant offers continue to come your way this year. That's because lucky Jupiter is in your sign! Technically, you're the big winnah! (It's OK to be smug.)
You're a gambler at heart. You'll take a chance on the weather, a mountain cliff, an innovative philosophy, a self-publishing venture, the role of the dice, and a long shot business opportunity. Fortunately, the government and large institutions might support your ideas this year.
It's been ages since you've schmoozed so much! Friends, organizations, professional associations, clubs and new acquaintances have doubled your address book! The year continues to offer abundant opportunities to make even more new acquaintances. (Everyone loves you.)
You're creating quite a wonderful reputation for yourself this year, but you know it, don't you? You're out there with your colours flying! Bosses, VIPs (and parents) continue to be impressed with you, and this in turn, sends further career opportunities your way. Oh my.
Grab every opportunity that comes your way to travel. That's because travel, foreign countries, publishing, the media (and medicine and the law) are areas that get a big boost for you for the rest of this year. Pack your bags! You're going places, toots.
Actor Vince Vaughn (1970) shares your birthday. You have a breezy, upbeat style. People love to be around you. Your wit is based on a kind of innocence. You're very tolerant and accepting of most situations and other people. At work, you're very hard working and focused on whatever you do. New avenues will open up for you this year!