We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today. Today is a New Moon in Pisces.
Today it's time to give thought to your 'Inner World'. (We all have one, even if it's in the closet.) If you're constantly focused on your exterior world, the inner world suffers. Give credence to your unspoken wishes and desires.
Today is the perfect day to think about your goals and objectives for the future. Furthermore, think about the role the friendships play in your life. Do you like the friends you have? Do you hang out with people you respect?
Today the New Moon occurs at the top of your chart. This is the only time all year this happens. This is your opportunity to think about how you react to authority. (Your parent or boss or the police.) How mature are you about this?
There's a lot to learn about in this world. When you quit growing, you just grow old. What can you do right now to get more out of life? Sign up for a course. Plan a trip somewhere different. Learn a new language. The stars want you to reach out for fresh experiences.
This New Moon is your opportunity to contemplate dealing with the values of others, especially the values of partners and close friends. Does this mean compromise? You're used to running your own scene. But we all have to capitulate sometimes to the wishes of others.
This is the only New Moon opposite your sign this year. This is your chance to learn more about how you relate to partners and those closest to you. Let others act as a mirror for you. Have the courage to believe what you think you see. ("I do that?")
What can you do in your daily world to make your life run more smoothly? Think about ways to make everything work more effectively and productively. Adopt new resolutions. Try to handle each piece of paper only once -- that kind of thing.
You want romance, adventure and fun! Four planets now demand that you do this. For starters, plan a vacation. Why not plan a social outing or an event where you entertain at home? This is also a good time to examine your style of relating to children.
Today's New Moon in Pisces turns your focus to home, family and your domestic scene. What can you do to be happier about where you live? Can you improve your style of relating to family members? Each New Moon offers us an opportunity to make better choices in our lives.
The purpose of communicating is not just to speak but also to be heard and understood. What do you think about your style of communicating with relatives and siblings? Do others understand what you really mean? Do you show them that you care about them?
It easy to think that with more money you'll be happier. But if that were true, then people with more money would be happier. And they're not. Therefore, this is a faulty assumption. Think about what it takes to make you happy? (Perhaps content might be a better word.)
This is the only New Moon in your sign all year. It's the perfect time to think about your appearance, and the first impression you create on your audience. Scrutinize your clothing and your hairstyle. How do you look? Are you happy with your image?
Actress Elizabeth Taylor (1932) shares your birthday. You're sophisticated. You're interested in a wide variety of thing. You're also extremely competent. You willingly devote yourself to a worthy cause in life. Your private life is passionate and dramatic. (You're a feeler.) The year ahead is full of magical, new beginnings for you. Anything can happen. It's up to you.