Moon Alert: We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today. The Moon is still in Virgo.
Even though we have the All Clear to shop and make important decisions; today your ruler Mars is confused by fuzzy Neptune. You're not sure if you're coming or going! Financially, you feel confused, and unsure about things. Guard against loss and deception.
Be careful with bosses and parents. Dishonesty or confusion are obstacles to clarity. Perhaps you're being sneaky to avoid detection or confrontation? This is not your style. Don't sell out because you're afraid to face something unpleasant. (It's not you.)
You feel like navel lint. What someone else says or does confirms your worst fears about yourself: it's true, you're a dweeb! But of course, you're not a dweeb. Au contraire! How can a bright, effervescent Gemini be a dweeb? (This week there's a lot of Dweebitis going around.)
You're discouraged dealing with friends and groups today, especially regarding the disposal of other people's property or how to handle shared property or the resources of others. (This also applies to your sex life.) You might feel shafted or snubbed. Don't take this seriously
Don't force yourself to do something or be somebody you don't want to -- trying to live up to other people's expectations. On the other hand, you could be discouraged because you don't believe in yourself! This is just a temporary dark cloud on your horizon. And you know it. (Watch a movie tonight.)
Suddenly you're unsure of your beliefs or convictions. You feel hoodwinked or duped. You doubt yourself or someone else. Maybe you have good reason to doubt others. (Are you in politics?) Someone could be pulling the wool over your eyes - and it isn't even wool -- it's a metal-based synthetic! Aagghh.
You feel at odds with the values of someone else today. It's a disagreement, pure and simple. Nevertheless, it makes you feel diminished somehow. (As if you're wrong.) Don't take this seriously. This feeling will pass very quickly. (Especially if you drink lots of water.) Would I kid you?
Important discussions with partners and family members can go south today. In fact, right off the map! As a result, you might try to hide something or avoid coming clean about something. Or perhaps someone is being dodgy with you? Be aware -- very aware.
It's easy to make a mistake at work today. Something could make you feel like schmuck. Maybe it's your fault; maybe somebody else goofs up. Could be worse. People could be lying to you or vice versa. Oy! Just take the high road in all this. Keep your self-respect.
Be extremely careful in financial speculation today; this includes gambling. Things are not as they appear. Romantic situations are also confusing. Parents might be at a loss with children. Go carefully and test the waters as you go. Be honest. People will respect that more than a lame excuse.
You're definitely confused about something at home or with a family member today. Holy Cannoli! Avoid confrontations with others because this will only make things worse. And yet, don't lie in order to avoid them. That's dumb too. (Maybe it's time to get out of Dodge.)
You might feel confused, weak, dispirited or lethargic today. This is a lackluster, confusing day for everyone! (Those asbestos fumes are getting to you.) Don't be devious about anything. Be a straight shooter.
Hockey player Mark Messier (1961) shares your birthday. You're fun loving and imaginative. Not only do you want to have a good time, you want others to enjoy themselves too! You're a good parent. (You remember the child within you.) You like to be stimulated; you don't like routine. In a head, you'll let go of things, places and people to begin a new cycle around October.