Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 1:45 p.m. until 11 p.m. EST today.
Be careful. You can smooth talk anyone into anything. However, you might bite off more than you can chew. (And you can chew a lot.) You're tempted to make things look better than they are, especially if you have to discuss shared property with others.
Travel plans look exciting. Ditto for matters connected with publishing and the media. You're hopeful about something. Because of that you might offer something to a partner or close friend. Just be sure that you can follow up on your promise. It's easy to overextend yourself today.
You'll have no trouble getting others to cooperate with you today. Your words are like pearls dropping from your lips. But you could be counting on something at work that will actually leave you out in the cold. At least, grab your jacket.
Your creative skills are hot today. Parties, romance, pleasure, vacations, playful activities with children and anything to do with the arts will totally please you. Don't make promises to others you can't keep. Even if you believe you can. If there's doubt in your mind -- listen to that little voice.
You want to do things in a big way today especially with home, family members and parents. Your gestures are large. You feel confident. You might pull this off because nothing succeeds like success. However, if you feel leery about anything -- be cautious. All is not as it seems.
Plans connected with travel, publishing, the media and foreign countries look exciting. You can hardly believe this is going to happen. Certainly, you're hopeful! If you have to talk to others, especially children, to sell your ideas -- you'll have no problem whatsoever. You're silver tongued today.
Don't go overboard financially today. Don't give something away if you're hesitant. Don't take on extra responsibilities if you're at all doubtful. Don't play the big hero unless you're really ready to do the deed. This all might work out perfectly - then again, it could be pie in the sky.
You feel upbeat, confident and exuberant today. You want to convince others to go along with your plans. (Possibly, somebody else is doing this to you.) Your communication skills are hot! Just make sure you know what you're talking about. (Wear water wings and stay away from the deep end.)
You're very confident that you can get the support of others, possibly the government, to do something that you're interested in. Everything looks like it's going to fall in place. Make sure you don't gloss over hazy details. Be careful. Remember the carpenters rule: measure twice, cut once.
You find it easy to be charming and diplomatic today. People are impressed with you. Nevertheless, be careful of playing a long shot. However, if you're going to enjoy yourself -- go all out. Party your face off! Just make sure there's a designated driver in the crowd.
You're very enthusiastic about something to do with conferences, groups, clubs or perhaps even a friend. You feel that everything is working out perfectly. And perhaps it is. Nevertheless, keep your eyes open and your powder dry. Somebody could be selling you a bill of goods.
You're keen to convince parents, VIPs, bosses and teachers about something today. You think your idea is hot. And it probably is. But beware your tendency to look at things through rosy coloured glasses.
Actress Marisa Tomei (1964) shares your birthday. You have great business savvy. You want to make money. You're at the forefront of things. (You adore new beginnings.) You have great people skills, which makes you an excellent negotiator. You need to have a lot of freedom in your relationships. The year ahead blesses all social activities. New partnerships can blossom!