We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today.
You feel confused about the obligations you have to others today. Actually, confused isn't really the term, unhappy might be better. You don't feel happy about what you're supposed to deliver. You'd prefer to duck out of something. "Slip out the back, Jack."
This is not an ideal day for important conversations with members of the public or with friends and partners. You might feel coerced into something. Alternatively, you could feel discouraged or disappointed. Something doesn't fit right. Perhaps a larger size? Something in blue?
The way things turn out at work today, you might feel victimized. Or hoodwinked. It all seems a bit too much and who cares anyway? And where's the horse you rode in on? Don't let things get out of proportion. (The day after tomorrow is the second day of the rest of your life.)
Double check everything at work today. Things are definitely confusing. People get their wires crossed. (Did you hear about the two antennas who met on a roof and got married? The ceremony wasn't much but the reception was excellent.) Just cope with coworkers. Be forgiving. Lighten up.
You might feel mildly confused or dispirited at home or with family members today. It's not a big deal but it's there. Actually, other planets want you to have a good time now. Why don't you listen to them? Just because the Moon is clouded over doesn't mean you have to be.
Some days it's easier to be rah rah and enthusiastic about everything. This isn't one of those days. In fact, it's easy to feel blah blah today, ya know? But it's a minor thing. (We're talking the Moon.) Just go with the flow and put a friendly spin on things. (It's gotta rain to make a rainbow.)
You're a bit depressed about money. Money! Where is it? Why is there always so much month left at the end of money? Just decide to work at reducing your debt. You like the good life and you can't resist beautiful things. Hence -- the debt racks up.
The Moon is in your sign today. This is good. However, first it squares Saturn and then it squares Neptune. This is not good. Life feels hard. Lackluster. And on top of this, it's easy to kid yourself about something. But it's all small potatoes. French fries anyone?
You need a positive frame of mind to stay on top of things. (Think Donald Sutherland in 'Kelly Heroes'.) Today it's easy to doubt yourself. But this is a temporary dark cloud on your horizon. Therefore, go with the flow. Keep smiling. Tomorrow is another day. And tonight's another night.
Conversations with others, especially female acquaintances might be disappointing. Don't expect too much. We are all frail human beings; and we have our good days and our bad days. That's life in the passing lane. Be tolerant of others and of yourself today.
This is not a good day to talk to bosses, VIPs, parents and authority figures. If you do, you'll feel let down. Conversations are sort of squelched today. It's hard to express emotions or real feelings. It's even hard to express phony feelings. Therefore, don't expect too much from anyone.
Matters connected with publishing, education, the media, travel and legal stuff seem tenuous even disappointing. Perhaps your expectations were unrealistic? For that matter, did you express your expectations? Unexpressed expectations always lead to disappointment.
Author/theologian C.S.Lewis (1898) shares your birthday. YYou are both idealistic and practical. Because honesty means a lot to you, it's important that you know where you stand with others. You are loyal and honorable but always unspoken. You're spontaneous, yet you like order and structure in your life. Important choices await you in the next year. Choose wisely.