We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today until 11:30 p.m. EST.
As Mercury moves backwards, it now returns to Scorpio. This bodes well for those who are seeking truth about the past. If you want to dig up old secrets, the next few weeks are the perfect time to do this. Grab your deerstalker and magnifying glass and get down to it!
This is the classic time to rehash old business with partners and close friends. Old secrets are unearthed now. If there is something you want to settle -- now is the time to do it. Dredge it all up. Lay it out on the table. Examine it all one more time.
The next few weeks are the perfect time to finish up old business at work. Efforts to get info from the past, to do research, to access coworkers and sort through dusty boxes of data will be very successful. By contrast, this is a poor time to go forward with new projects. (Oh yeah.)
Ex lovers and old flames are back in the picture. Some are bald now. Everybody has love handles. Others are taking a trip down memory lane with sports, children, and show business related contacts. This group has love handles too! It's chocolate. (A minute on the lips and a decade on the hips.)
As this Mercury retrograde continues, you'll find it easier to finish up old business at home. Now you can finally unpack those boxes. Research into genealogy will flow beautifully! Expect to hear from old relatives.
This Mercury retrograde definitely takes its toll on you. Interruptions to your telephone service, car problems, misunderstandings, lost messages, delayed mail, and confused communications are par for the course. Just hang in there. You're not alone.
Financial ventures are slow to get off the ground. However, this is a good time to pay old bills, look for old receipts, and deal with past financial matters. You might even run into people you used to work with. (Is this good or bad?)
Mercury went retrograde in Sagittarius. It has now moved backwards into your sign. This is the time to solve old problems or a crisis. Enter dog stage left. "Woof woof!" "What's that, Lassie? "Woof woof!" "Bobby's down the well and he needs his insulin?" "Woof!"
While Mercury is retrograde, all is not lost. This is an excellent time to do research. It's a great time to finish old projects, and look in the past and seek out answers you need. It brings people out of the woodwork as well.
Old friends are back in your life. "John!" "Marsha!" "You look great! You haven't changed a bit." (These are typical Mercury retrograde lies.) After all, what can you say? It's best to be nice. Then they can be nice back to you.
Many of you will run into old bosses. You might even speak to authority figures, parents and VIPs you haven't seen for awhile. The best way to use this retrograde is to talk to bosses and parents about old business you want to finish. Or it might be old business that you want to see get off the ground!
Travel plans will be delayed. Ditto for matters related to publishing and the media. If you do travel, it's best to go someplace you've been to before. This is a good time to finish your thesis, your school paper, your book, or anything else you want to publish.
Celebrity/author Caroline Kennedy (1957) shares your birthday. You're a dreamer. You need to escape from the routine humdrum of life. You adore travel; but you need your solitude as well. You have a wonderful imagination! You have an inventive mind, and you love to learn. Get ready for a whole new set of possibilities next year. New things are coming your way!