After 2:45 p.m. EST today, we have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today.
You feel a bit uptight about financial matters today. Old Mother Hubbard went to the ATM and it was bare! Isn't it annoying? Your plans and hopes to spend money or make special purchases are thwarted! Don't give in to your frustration. (Life is too short.)
It seems like no matter what you do to assert yourself today -- somebody or something blocks you. What did you do to deserve this? Well of course, you did nothing. Everybody on the planet feels like this today. That's because Mars and Saturn are at loggerheads. Grrr. (Be cool.)
Oy vay! Things can really get under your skin today. You feel very sensitive about what others say. Their remarks seem to embody the worst suspicions you have about yourself. Can this be true? No it isn't. It's just one of life's cruel hoaxes. Lighten up. By next week things look better. Sort of.
Be extra patient talking to friends and groups today. You're a sensitive sign; and you're also extremely tenacious. The main problem today is that you feel angry about something and yet you feel you cannot express this. Perhaps it looks petty. (You might be right. Petty is never cool.)
This is a lousy day to approach VIPs, parents and bosses about anything. You will not get your way. "Talk to the hand!" Knowing this ahead of time, don't waste your efforts. (It will only frustrate you.) Turn your attentions elsewhere. Make plans for a pleasant evening.
You might have some great ideas about travel, or getting further training, or expanding your education. You might even have hot notions about political or religious matters. Whatever it is -- somebody rains on your parade! Oy! You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.
It seems to be particularly challenging dealing with other people today. Primarily, it's because they cannot appreciate what you're trying to propose. Their values are not yours and vice versa. This makes sharing anything difficult.
This is a dicey day with partners and close friends. It's best to know this right up front. Let's face it: because Mars has opposed your sign since mid-summer, partnerships have been challenging! (Translation: the other person is selfish and insensitive.) Intelligently, you know it just seems this way.
Be patient with coworkers today. Things will not go your way that easily at work. Whatever you propose or whatever you attempt to do will be blocked in some fashion. The best way to handle this is to do as little as possible. Just cope with bare necessities. Vanilla, no-frills.
Oy vay. Romance is in the toilet today. Things with the arts are challenging. If you're involved in professional sports, you encounter opposition. And if you work with children, it's just hard. So is the butter. These things happen -- right?
Don't be grumpy today. Be patient with family members. Things aren't easy on the home front. Others are critical. Whatever you attempt seems to be difficult to do; yet you can't express your anger. And you're dying to break free from something. (It was ever thus.)
Try to be mellow today. Whether you know it or not, you might be angry. The truth is that anger cannot arise in a happy mind. Therefore, you're upset about something. That's the crux of the problem. Be gentle with yourself and others.
Actor Owen Wilson (1968) shares your birthday. You have a natural social flair and a sharp mind. You radiate confidence and ambition! You always get to the bottom of things. You're a convincing, excellent communicator! You love freedom and adventure in your youth; but turn more serious after age 34. Expect to wrap up an important cycle this year. Let go and move on.