Moon Alert

After 6:30 a.m. EDT today, we have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're inclined to set aside your own feelings about something and just get the job done. (You have the bit in your teeth.) Since you are a warrior at heart, you can do this. You have the determination and chutzpah to pull it off. Actually, it's a sacrifice if truth be told.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your protective and nurturing instincts are aroused today. Your interest in others is strong. In fact, flirtations and sizzling little exchanges might be memorable! Basically, you easily feel intimate with others. And you care. (And if you don't - you sure look like you do.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You can benefit by being alone today. (Just the two of you.) It's a good time to enjoy solitude and self-scrutiny. We're creatures of habit. Watch your own habit patterns and how married you are to them. (Check out how Ouspensky and Gurdjieff worked with habitual behavior.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Casual conversations take on a serious, meaningful depth today. You can pick things up on a gut level. Conversations with siblings (especially female relatives) are important. Caution: you are quite influenced by past experiences now. Objectivity is obscured. (It was ever thus.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You identify more with your surroundings, and in particular, with what you own today. (We are what we drive.) Because you equate yourself with your possessions, it's a confusing day to shop. "Is this me?" But you're not what you drive - you're what you drink! Tall no-fat wet cappuccino?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

With the Moon in your sign today you feel a great need to connect with others. "Will you be mine?" Your emotional antennae are way out there. Whether you know it or not, you' re picking up on the feelings of other people. If anyone needs comfort - you're there.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You can really work a room; you have highly developed social skills. However, you also know it's a joy to labour for those you love; and that's how you feel today. Nothing is too much trouble. You want to meet the needs and pleasures of others. (Be careful as you back out of the room.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You feel close (even protective) toward a friend today. In fact, your interactions with others are warmer and more personal than usual. You might confide your hopes and dreams for the future with a sympathetic listener. It feels good to get feedback and touch base with others today.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You're dealing with professional and public concerns today. Ironically, you feel that some aspect of your own private life is on display now. (You can run but you can't hide.) Be careful about blurring the line between professional and personal contacts. (Not always easy.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You want to expand your world today through study, travel or even a mental journey. In fact, a trip to a Planetarium or something similar would be thrilling. You want to do something different which broadens your experience of the world. (Do you want that last donut?)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You feel a bit touchy about shared property, or sharing anything you own with anyone else. Your feelings are quite intense today whether you acknowledge this to yourself or not. Confrontations with women will definitely be powerful. Don't even go there.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Relations with partners and loved ones are more highly charged today. (And that's without tax.) You feel more involved and therefore, this makes you feel there is more at stake. Obviously, this makes you vulnerable to knee-jerk reactions. (Cool your jets.)

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor John Cleese (1939) shares your birthday. You're witty, fun loving and energetic. People love you. But you're no fool. In fact, you're shrewd. Your ambition and perseverance are quite amazing. The year ahead might be one of the best years of your life. Expect a miracle. Don't be afraid to go after whatever you want.