We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today.
This is the beginning if a lovely 18-month cycle where you're just in the right place at the right time talking to the right person. The results? You benefit. Somehow others start to give you things and lend you things and help you out. (Cool!)
Jupiter moves opposite your sign today. (How fortunate.) It will do its dance for the next year. This is a turning point in your life, especially with relationships. Think back to what began six years ago. You have a good chance for success in so many things now.
Jupiter's move into Scorpio starts a process that ultimately benefits you at work (and your health as well.) This is a good thing! It will begin soon for some, and later for others. But you can count on your job improving tremendously in the next 18 months.
You can expect to have a fabulous, fun-filled year ahead because you're going to experience one of the best planetary transits a person can have. It happens every 12 years. We only get 5 or 6 of these in our adult lives (depending on how long you live.) Lucky you!
Jupiter's move into Scorpio today heralds a wonderful time where you'll delight in home and family situation for the next year - even longer. You'll really love your domestic scene! Not only that, your interactions with family members will improve.
As your confidence in yourself increases in the next 12 to 18 months, do act on the bold ideas you're hatching. What will happen is your mental energy and enthusiasm for daily life becomes more enlivened. You feel like a winner!
As Jupiter leaves your sign today, fear not. It's moving towards your House of Money. i.e. how you earn it and how you spend it. This means most of you will earn more money in the next 12-18 months, and you'll be spending more of it as well. (Spare change?)
Today Jupiter moves into your sign. The last time it was there was 1994, and before that, 1982, 1970, 1958-9. These are times when you made big improvements in your life - no? Your world expands in a significant way. Get ready for a new wonderful year ahead!
Few are more philosophical than you. You were the kid who asked why the sky was blue. In the year ahead, many of you will explore new spiritual dimensions. (You'll at least see Jodie Foster in Contact.) But mostly, you'll get in touch you're your own kind heart.
You can definitely expect to make some new friends in the next year. Your popularity rating and style of socializing with others will expand enormously. You might relate to groups and clubs more than in the past. Make sure that you improve the lives of others as they improve yours.
For several years now, you've been busting your buns. Life has been a grind. In fact, it's been overwhelming at times. Today Jupiter moves towards the top of your chart. This can only bring you success and recognition in the eyes of others. (Time to get new clothes.)
Wonderful opportunities to increase your education, go back to school, and sign up for advanced training will start to come our way now. You'll also have opportunities to travel and explore new places. Opportunities with publishing and the media also fall into your lap. (You're hot!)
Singer/feminist Helen Reddy (1941 ) shares your birthday. You're down to earth in a no-nonsense, practical way. Others rely on you. You have solid values about home and family. Because of this you'll have few regrets in life. The year ahead is warm and social. Relationships are important. However, you must create some solitude for yourself to focus on something dear to your heart.