Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm EDT today. The Full Moon peaks (in Aries) at 8:14 am.
The Full Moon is in your sign today. Naturally, it makes you more emotional about everything. (Short fuse?) It throws stress on your closest relationships and partnerships, and even your dealings with the general public. Knowing this - hey, chill out.
Take a deep breath and put a smile in your voice when you answer the phone at work or talk to co-workers. Today's Full Moon might increase tension with those you encounter on the job. Nothing big - but it's there. (Sort of near your left big toe.) Feel it? You can handle this.
Relationships are always on the block when the Moon is full (like today.) That's because emotions are running high! People are demanding. Groups, clubs, organizations and even friends are sort of in your face. O' clever wordsmith - you can dance around all this with ease!
Today's Full Moon puts you in the classic two-pronged choice: home or career? You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. The way the stars are lined up right now, your best choice is to favour home, family and real estate matters. Talk to parents and relatives.
This is a frisky Full Moon because it's in feisty Aries. ("Oh yeah? Wanna make sumthin' outa it?") However, you're one of the few signs that can sail through this day relatively unscathed. Both Aries (Moon) and Libra (Sun) relate well to Leo. (You're so cool.) Kiss kiss, hug hug.
It's all about money today. You're trying to keep track of whatever you can get your hands on. But others have dibs on it too. (It was ever thus.) Do you buy something for yourself or pay your bills? Somehow, there's a juggling act going on.
Yikes. You're definitely part of the equation of today's Full Moon in Aries. That's why relationships are tense or emotional. Don't knock yourself out trying to keep everyone happy - why bother? Don't you count? Of course you do. Keep your head down and your powder dry.
Did you know that your sign is very close to Aries in terms of personality and style? Oh yeah. Today's Full Moon is in Aries. "Big deal," you say. "I can handle it." And you're right - you can. But be diplomatic with co-workers today. (What goes around comes around - like the flu.)
You'll need extra patience and tact dealing with groups and friends today. Lighten up on the blunt honesty bit. Just for today. Nobody really wants to hear the truth right now - they just want to get through the day without honking, snarling or swearing and muttering asides.
Egos bruise easily today, especially the big fat egos of bosses, VIPs, and even teacher and parents. They want respect. You might feel otherwise about things. Ay, there's the rub. Don't try to prove anything today. Learn to pick our fights. (And today ain't one of them.)
You're almost paralyzed today wondering if you should move forward with plans connected to publishing, travel, the media, higher education or dealing with someone from afar. Do you attend to the daily stuff or make future plans? Hard call.
You feel a bit obsessive about something today. And you're not too proud of it either - yet, you can't shake the feeling. You're absorbed with other people's money and possessions right now - perhaps the responsibilities and the fairness of something.
Stunt daredevil Evel Knievel (1938) shares your birthday. You're definitely bold and heroic! You live life on the edge because you want constant excitement and adventure. (It makes you feel alive.) Ironically, in some ways you don't like change. You're attached to your rituals and habits. Increased solitude this year will allow you study or learn something important for your future.