Today's Full Moon in Aquarius peaks at 1:53 pm EDT. Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 1:45 p.m. until 7 p.m. EDT today.
Parents must be patient with children today. Those who work in the entertainment world, hospitality industry, show business, the arts, sports and areas related to children will feel extra pressure today. You can't please everyone. Just do the best you can.
Tension with authority figures and family members is likely today. But this is a minor thing. Today's Full Moon can aggravate things but that's all -- it's no big deal. Mars in your sign makes you strrrong like bull. Remember that. It's easy to come on too heavy with others now.
This is a mildly accident-prone Full Moon day. It doesn't have to be; but this Full Moon impacts your transportation and everyday communications. If you're distracted, or momentarily irritated or excited -boom! Anything could happen. Stay alert. (The world needs more lerts.)
Be patient with financial matters today. Today's Full Moon brings stress to your earnings, how you spend your money, how you relate to your possessions -- and even how you relate to the possessions of others. Try to lighten up about these issues.
Today's Full Moon is directly opposite your sign. You might think that others resist you in some way; but in large measure, this is an illusion. The minute you look for a common ground, you'll find it. Today the Sun and Moon are two ends of the same plank. (This applies to your relationships.)
Don't be hasty with coworkers today. Today's Full Moon makes you a bit more emotional and more agitated at work. Stop for a minute. Take a breath and smile. If you keep this smile in your voice (as it were) your dealings with everyone will be easier today.
You might be confused between trying to please a friend and trying to please a lover. Similarly, you might be pulled in two directions today: the need to respond to children versus the need to respond to a group. Simple math says you can't please everyone.
Today's Full Moon makes conversations with authority figures a bit difficult. Bosses, supervisors, parents and teachers want more than you can give. Ditto for the demands of family. You're caught between a rock and a hard place! Relax. Things are better by tomorrow.
You're all over the map today trying to juggle stuff with travel, publishing, foreign countries, higher education and the law. Short trips conversations with others and mucho tasks and errands keep you busy today. How can you do it all? You can't.
You feel conflicted today about whose best interests to put first? Do you focus on your responsibilities to others, or do you respect your responsibilities to yourself? This is a hard call. However, you're definitely focused on shared property and your responsibilities to others at this time.
This is the only Full Moon in your sign all year. Of course you feel emotional and edgy! What's new? In many ways, this signals a culmination of something between you and a partner or a close friend. It's okay to let go of whatever is not working.
Work related problems become more difficult and more intense today. Today's Full Moon brings these issues to a head. After the Full Moon peaks today (see All Signs above for that time), these problems will greatly diminish and possibly even disappear! (Whew!)
42nd U.S. President Bill Clinton (1946) shares your birthday. You're interested in so many things; it's difficult to make a choice about what to choose for a career. You work hard. Although you can be an extremist, your life is orderly. Relationships are important to you. Expect increased solitude this year in order to learn something important.