We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today, but only until 5 p.m. EDT today.
Don't be too swift to quit your job now, or terminate work related relationships. Unless you're going on a low cash diet (that's where you don't eat anything that costs money) you might want to rethink things. (You can be impetuous. Ya think?)
You feel passionately about sex and romance right now. This can be a fun thing (if you're lucky); or you might be tempted to try to manipulate someone through feelings of guilt, jealousy or deepening their aversion to talcum powder. Now why would you want to do that?
Your mission today -- should you choose to accept it -- is to be patient with others. Mercury retrograde frays your nerves. Ordinary, daily tasks are frustrated by delays, errors and confusion. Don't take this out on family.
You're a sensitive sign; but you often hide your hurt feelings. Today you might feel so intensely about something you want to cut off relations with a colleague or even a sibling. Just sit this one out. You're too emotional to think straight. Therefore, withdraw and do nothing.
Check with All Signs above before shopping today. Beyond that, be aware that you feel a bit compulsive about spending money for whatever you want. This is not the best frame of mind for shopping. Why not go on a low cash diet? (See Aries above.)
For whatever reason, you feel intensely about practically everything today. You're chomping at the bit! This makes you go overboard in dealings with others. Don't be pushy about getting your way. Don't be too quick to flip someone the bird. Be gracious and tolerant.
Your feelings are intense today; and you're not even sure why. It's as if something is building up within you. Maybe it's in your left big toe. Maybe it's under your right armpit. Who cares? The main thing to remember is to strive for balance and clarity. Know any good limericks?
By nature, you're intense. It's the way you came into the world. Today however, it's gangbusters! Venus is square Pluto. This might make you split off from a group, or feel alienated from others. You feel like you've outgrown someone or something. (See Aries re: low cash diet.)
You're not in the mood to take any guff from your boss, a parent, or any other authority figure in your life. A relationship can break down now. Something has to go. You're right: you have to let go of how things were. Relationships are constantly changing; and you can't pretend they don't.
Don't adhere so strongly to political or religious views that you lose your perspective or your clear thinking about things. How dumb is that? You might cling to an idea (or even a person) so strongly that you smother it completely. Instead, be open to what needs to be changed.
You can't hold on to everything forever. In fact, you can't hold on to everything very long at all. You can't even hold on to some things forever; and you're lucky to hold onto anything for a while. Or are you? When you're holding on to things -- your hands are full!
People make up relationships; and because people change, relationships change. They're dynamic, growing, organic situations. If you try to freeze them and maintain a status quo, (especially through guilt trips and subversive tactics) you only destroy the goodwill that is there. (Yikes.)
Actor Antonio Banderas (1960) shares your birthday. You have a marvelous voice and speaking style. Your lively, entertaining personality magnetizes people to you. Although you have an outer mask of bravura, you are actually quite private. Feedback from others is important to you. You want to shine! Expect increased solitude (to learn something important) in the year ahead.