Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 12:30 p.m. EDT for the rest of the day.
You want the first word - and the last. (And you generally get it.) Your knee-jerk reaction today is to win a debate, convince others to agree with you, influence someone's thought process, sell something, or make a believer out of someone. Whew! Lighten up.
You have a compulsive feeling about spending money today. If you're shopping, you'll see something you have to have. You might buy something to make improvements or repairs to something else. Similarly, you're just as gung ho to earn cash as well.
You can definitely expect intense encounters with others today, especially partners and close friends. (Also important clients or members of the public.) If you step back a little, these conflicts could reveal quite a bit about your inner values. (Try not to be verbally pushy.)
As you know, the Moon is your ruler. Today it opposes mighty Pluto. This creates the effect of dredging up of old programming from your past. (That's why you keep checking your waist for diaper pins.) Powerful urges from your subconscious will trigger unexplained emotions. (Lighten up.)
You like to think the best of your friends. That's why you overlook their faults. ("My friends are great!") Today however, power struggles with friends or groups are extremely likely. You just can't resist because you can't take it lying down! You're going to fight to the last chocolate.
Ego conflicts with power types and authority figures are hard to avoid today. It's all too easy for people to really get to you. Your tolerance level is low. Plus you don't want others telling you how to do something. And they don't want you telling them how to do something. Oy vay.
Resist the temptation to proselytize a fabulous idea. You know you shouldn't, but you think you're doing others a favour. You believe you have the perfect hangover cure, the finest bread slicer, the silver bullet, the best mousetrap -- and you want to show the world!
This is not a good day to divide things or share what you own. You feel very territorial (and privately kind of stingy.) It's not that you are like this (you can be very generous) but today the theme song in your head is, "Don't touch! That's mine."
Be extra patient with others today. You're going to run into a lot of bozos. (You might even be married to one.) Partners and close friends are in your face. Why, you ask yourself? What did I do to deserve this? Nothing.
You have the energy to make improvements where you work today. You want reform. You might also see a new application for old things. Accomplish as much as you can today. Use this energy to your advantage. Don't be critical of others.
Be gentle with children today. It's easy to jump to conclusions or be critical of others. Don't overreact to kids doing things you did yourself (even when you knew you shouldn't.) Lovers might try to improve each other. Big mistake. That sure takes the bloom off the rose!
You have definite ideas about improvements you want to make at home now. You don't want anyone or anything to get in your way. But life will get in your way. That's what life's about. It's been said that life is what happens to you while you're busy making plans. True!
Advice columnists Abigail Van Buren and Ann Landers (twins) (1918) share your birthday. You are always there for others. You have a genuine, maternal concern for people. You also have strong, domestic ideals. In fact, family is the bedrock of your value system. You need a warm, cozy nest to comfort you. Some kind of major cycle will wrap up this year. (Time to move on.)