Avoid important decisions or shopping from 3:50 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. EDT today.
Today starts out with a few minor hangnail annoyances, it improves by nightfall. Actually, it might not really improve until you're asleep tonight. You can be assured of some lovely dreams. Until then, be extra patient today. What goes around, comes around. (Like the flu.)
The Moon is in your sign today, giving you a slight advantage over all the other signs. Things tend to go your way; however, today's Moon is slightly at odds with three other planets. Therefore, although it's your lucky day, you still have to pick and choose your words.
You might feel strangely restless and a bit disconnected today. It's subtle, but it's there. Like a bad smell in the fridge. If you concentrate on work, these obstacles will appear to diminish. Tension with others might bother you now. You like to get along with people. (Gone by tomorrow.)
Today's Moon fits nicely with your sign. (Did you want something in another colour?) Nevertheless, throughout the day it makes hard aspects to Saturn, Mercury and Venus. This could make discussions about money or possessions with others a bit strained. (No big deal.)
The Moon is very high in your chart today and tomorrow. Naturally, this attracts attention to you. People notice you more than usual. (Another good reason to get dressed.) This is not the day to be pushy about getting your way with bosses and VIPs. Things are easier this weekend.
Discussions with others about practically anything are guarded today. Don't worry -- everyone feels this to some degree. Nevertheless, the Moon is in Taurus, your fellow Earth sign. This is good for you, because your Sun is in Virgo. Believe it or not, you have it easier than others today!
Even the crows seem to be complaining today. That's because today's Moon is at odds with three planets. This is not the best day to decide how to share things with others. Ditto for defining shared responsibilities and obligations. Delay what you can until weekend.
You will definitely have to use patience and tolerance dealing with others today. Do this for yourself -- not them! (Every negative feel you have about anyone else first passes through you.) Today and tomorrow the Moon opposes your sign. Therefore, don't push the river.
Expect minor obstacles at work today. (If at first you don't succeed, hide all the evidence that you even tried.) This is one of those days where you should just sit around and wait for things to get easier. And they will -- tomorrow! Until then, fake it till you make it. Buy yourself a little treat.
Parents must be patient with children today. Remember that they learn from your example and your behavior far more than they learn from what can tell them to do. (It was ever thus.) Financial speculation, sports and romance meet with minor obstacles today. Patience.
Focus on domestic matters today. Be patient with family members. Because the Moon is challenged today, cooperation from others is slow. But it is still possible to achieve. Treat everyone with kid gloves; and hope they do the same to you. (You need to be stroked.)
Whatever you put out there is what comes back. Anger begets anger. Violence begets violence. Impatience begets impatience. Fortunately, tolerance and understanding come back to you multiplied! You will see this especially today. (True generosity is giving what is needed.)
Singer Fantasia Barrino (1984) shares your birthday. You're multitalented; and you know how to parlay your talents and technical skills into money. You like to be busy. You're a survivor, and this gives you an appreciation of handling your finances. Be open to increased solitude in the year ahead because you have some serious thinking to do.