We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today.
Your focus definitely turns to home, family and real estate matters for the next month. Many of you are decorating and adding lovely touches to where you live. Because you're so skilled with arts and crafts (you can do anything with your hands) you might be creating these touches yourself.
Busy you! You hit the ground running and you're not stopping for anyone. You've got places to go, people to see, things to do. It's hustle, hustle! This pace will continue for the next 4-6 weeks. Get used to it. Siblings and relatives figure strongly in your life now. (Hi sis!)
Suddenly, you're really focused on your money scene. You're thinking about ways to earn it; and you're certainly thinking about ways to spend it. Actually, you've got great moneymaking ideas now. Write them down. (Of course, wealth has more to do with contentment than possessions.)
Zowie! Four planets are in your sign: the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn. (Mom always liked you best.) This certainly draws attention to you. You're a people magnet. Friends are calling, and everyone wants to see you. Since your schmooze factor is so high -- accept all invitations.
Even someone like you needs a little downtime. In the next few weeks, solitude will serve you well, if you can manage to arrange this for your self. You need time to contemplate your proverbial navel, meditate, cogitate, ruminate -- maybe I should stop there? Get busy thinking.
This gaggle of planets in Cancer brings people to your doorstep, because it activates that area of your chart. Therefore, accept all invitations! Enjoy interactions with groups, clubs and organizations. Respond to friends. ("Have you tried these shrimp wrapped in bacon? Yummy!")
People definitely notice you now. There are four planets at high noon in your chart. Leave your guns at the door and step up to the bar. Still drinking sarsaparilla? (Have a Dirty Dawg on me.) With all this high viz, this is the perfect time to talk to VIPs and bosses. Oh yeah. Even Mom.
You have such an itch to get away you can hardly scratch it! You're dying for a change of scenery. You can't take any more same old, same old. Travel if you can. Explore educational possibilities. Do anything that expands your experience of the world. (Beyond watching TV.)
This is definitely the time to settle matters about shared property, insurance stuff, debt, taxes and financial matters related to your partner's income. Wrap up whatever you can. Things will be settled in your favour. Venus is protecting you now. (Gosh.)
Four planets are staring at you from across the room. (Did you see them when you came in?) They want you to talk to partners and close friends. That's why this is a good time to settle unfinished business, and absolve past transgressions. (Forgive your enemies but remember their names.)
You're really busting your buns at work now. You want to show others what you can do. You're not just performing tasks at par. Oh no! You're going to dazzle others with your intelligence, speed and genius like deduction of the events at hand. No moss growing on you, kiddo!
All these planets in Cancer beautifully favour your water sign! Your creative vibes are activated. Do anything where you can express your creative talents. Love and romance look promising; and activities with children are productive, meaningful and enjoyable. You wanted more?
Actress Nicole Kidman (1967) shares your birthday. You magnetize others to you because you have an unusually vibrant energy. You not only influence people; you practically leave them spellbound! That's why enthusiasm and emotionality often surround you. You have strong intuitive, psychic abilities. (Always trust your instincts.) The year ahead is a lovely, social one! It promotes fun and romance!