We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today.
You feel happy today. You can't wipe the grin off your face. It might be even a bit silly i.e. you feel happy in the midst of confusion. (You know where they say if you're the only one smiling, you haven't grasped the seriousness of the situation?) Relax - happy is good.
You feel encouraged about your financial scene today. Ironically, nothing particular might have changed. It's just your attitude. You feel wealthier. Perhaps you see the enormous poverty elsewhere in the world, and appreciate your own situation much better.
You feel strong, optimistic and positive today. God's in Her heaven and All's right with the world. This is a good way to start the week off. You feel like a winner. (Will I do?) Romance, vacations, the arts, working with children, and professional sports all look encouraging! Yay team!
You feel generous to family members and people at home today. This generosity is because of a deeper, spiritual appreciation. You don't have to be particularly religious or anything, because being spiritual and being religious are two different things. You have a kind heart today.
This is a popular day for you. Work with groups, clubs and organizations. Cooperate with friends. Meet people for lunch; talk to strangers on the bus; chat with colleagues. Your enthusiasm, optimism and buoyancy encourage others. Everyone loves you. Carpe Diem!
Relations with VIPs, parents, authority figures, and teachers are successful today. You're open to suggestions; and they're willing to listen to you. Excellent! You can accomplish something good and useful. Take stock of where you're going. You easily see the big picture today.
You have grand plans connected with travel, publishing, medicine, legal matters or something to do with foreign countries. You're excited because things not only look doable, they seem to be a good idea. Do anything to expand your mind. Study philosophy; take a trip; learn something new.
For some reason, you feel enriched by the wealth of others today. People lend you things or give you things or little perks come your way. You stand to gain from what others have. This is a good day to divide something or make decisions about shared property. (Oh yeah.)
It's easy to get the cooperation of others today. The Sun is opposite your sign making wonderful aspects to lucky Jupiter. This helps you to enjoy friendships and relations with customers, clients and close friends. It's a very hopeful way to start the week off. (He who laughs, lasts.)
This can be a very good day at work. Whatever you do, you'll act with foresight and more vision than usual. (Impressive.) You're looking at the big picture. One could even say this is a lucky day for you! (It's always easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.)
You feel lucky today. It's a great day to flirt. It's also good day to have fun with friends. Make plans to do something social so you can enjoy yourself with others. Work with children will go well today. Financial speculation looks good. All the arts are favoured.
This is an excellent day for real estate deals. It's also a good time to buy anything for the home or to share something with a family member. You feel encouraged by the way things are going in your private life. (There's no time like the pleasant.)
Singer Wynonna Judd (1964) shares your birthday. You are independent and freedom loving. You need a lot of change in your life. (Routine bores you.) You're full of big ideas and constantly on the go. You do things quickly and decisively. Your self-assurance inspires confidence. The year ahead favors all social activities and partnerships. Enjoy!