Avoid important decisions or shopping from 4:15 a.m. until 2:45 p.m. Eastern time.
You're shopping more than usual. You might be buying something important or expensive. Therefore, keep an eye on the recommendations in All Signs above. Many of you are putting finishing touches on changes and improvements to where you live.
With the Sun and Venus in your sign, you'll enjoy contact with friends. It's hard to get down to hard work right now because you'd rather be playing! Furthermore, Venus and the Sun both attract people to you now. You're a fun magnet! (Naughty you.)
Even though it's your style to be busy and constantly multitask, you need to take a back seat right now. You need solitude; and you're best off working alone of you can swing it. Yes, Mars is high in your chart making you ambitious. Nevertheless, you need rest!
Your social life has been busy lately. It's going to stay this way for the next several weeks, so you might as well stock the fridge and pick up your dry-cleaning. It's a good time all group activities. All your relations (including intimate ones) are particularly cozy now.
No matter what you do for a living, you're involved with artistic matters like design, layout work, redecorating, rearranging your work scene, or making something look more attractive. You'll enjoy doing this because you're such a creative sign. (And flirtations with VIPs bring added spice!)
Planetary influences steer you to unusual people right now. By 'unusual', I mean people who are different from your own background. You might be involved with people from other cultures. Certainly, your desire to travel and explore new cultures is strong. (Publishing looks good too.)
Romantic relationships are particularly affectionate right now. Sex can have quite a transforming effect on you. (Especially if the well has been dry for years.) "I see the light!" This is also a good time to seek out a loan. Others can definitely benefit you now -- one way or the other!
Both the Sun and Venus are opposite your sign now. This allows you to easily express your affection to those who are close to you. In fact, new love good could enter your life now as well - any time in the next few weeks. All relationships -- love affairs, marriages, and partnerships can blossom.
Relations with coworkers are particularly warm and cooperative now and in the next few weeks. Financial favours can come your way. People are willing to help you out at work or even to get a better job. Be open to overtures from others. (They could pave the way for something better.)
The next few weeks are great for entertaining. This is also a great time for love affairs, romance and fun vacations. You want to play! You feel free! You have the courage to just be yourself without any kind of pretense.
You're excited about puttering at home and making everything look cozy and nice. The next few weeks are a great time to entertain at home. You feel warm and friendly to family members and parents. This is also a good time for real estate deals, plus shopping for home and family.
You want to make your everyday surroundings more attractive or more agreeable. In addition, your contact with daily colleagues, neighbours, relatives and siblings is smooth and friendly now. You have a warm feeling in your tummy about things. Gosh.
Actress/UNICEF worker Audrey Hepburn (1929) shares your birthday. You are warm hearted and caring. It seems to be your destiny in life to pass on to others what you have learned. Despite your mild-mannered appearance, you are sought after for advice and guidance. Privately, you are stubborn. Nevertheless, you have a stability that nurtures others. Expect increased solitude this year to learn something important.