We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today.
This is a good day to tidy up loose details in your life. Be efficient. Take an anal point of view of things. Alphabetize your CDs. Throw away junk. Tidy up newspapers, magazines and general clutter. Today the Moon is in Virgo. (I rest my handbag.)
This is a playful, fun-loving day for you if you can give yourself permission to enjoy romantic leisure and goofing off time. Artists can be productive. Your creative juices are flowing. Try to spend time with someone unusual today, or do something different.
Minor surprises connected to home, family members, and your career are likely today. Just something small to guard against the quotidian ennui one encounters. (How's them apples? Guess who gets Word of the Day?) Stay light on your feet. Be ready to go with the flow.
Little glitches to transportation and communications are likely today. They might cause delays. Or they might bring you a refreshing surprise in the way of something new and unexpected in your life. Ideally, that's the best. (A happy person can enjoy the scenery on a detour.)
You're in the mood to spend money today. (What's new?) However, you might buy something unusual. It could be funky, modern art, or something electronic and technological. You might find money; and sad to say, you might lose money. It's all small stuff really.
Today's Moon is in your sign. This makes you a bit more emotional than usual. Perhaps a bit warm and gushy. You might reach out to others more - in fact literally, by touching them. With the Moon in your sign, your luck is strong today. The universe wants to give you a 'yes' answer to things.
You're constantly trying to establish harmony and peace of mind in your life. You want to do this through your wardrobe, your furnishings, your family environment, and your surroundings in general. Today, you need a bit more solitude to ponder how to do this more effectively.
Time spent with friends (especially females) will be rewarding today. You might learn some surprising news. Something a bit unusual will occur. You might talk to someone who is unusual or eccentric. Either way, it's not boring. Be alert. (The world needs more lerts.)
With the Moon high in your chart today, some aspect of your private life might be on public display. (Best off if you have nothing to hide.) You might help a professional colleague today. You feel unusually sensitive and caring about others. Your PR skills are tops right now!
Any kind of study or mental journey will please you today. That's because you want something different and out of the ordinary to happen. You want to drop any and all boring routine so that you can escape somewhere fascinating! (Go someplace you haven't been to before.)
This is a good day to pay bills and figure out what your assets and liabilities. Get the true picture. Don't be an ostrich with your head in the sand when it comes to your bills and your debts. Finish up old business related to shared property and inheritances.
Today's Moon sits directly opposite your sign. This could make you attractive to others, or in turn, someone might attractive to you. You feel more caring, more nurturing and more emotional with people. This is all more risk-taking. Dare we say affectionate? (We did.)
Movie director Akira Kurosawa (1910) shares your birthday. You have a wide range of talents and interests. You often pursue many avenues at once. You're concerned with the big questions in life. You never accept things on face value; you test everything. You're a risk taker; in fact, you're courageous. You have a special love for children. The year ahead favors all social activities and marriage.