Caution: avoid shopping or making important decisions from 11:50 a.m. until 11 p.m. EST today
Don't be pushy about things at work today. Don't say, "I told you so." (Tacky is unbecoming.) Yes, your ideas to improve things are worth listening to; but this doesn't guarantee they'll be heard however. That's why life is a cruel hoax. You know that. (You're the one who told me.)
Avoid power struggles with children. Avoid power struggles with lovers. Avoid power struggles with your agent. Avoid power struggles with your coach. Avoid power struggles with teachers. Avoid power struggles with bookies. Avoid power struggles with hotel management. Avoid them.
It might be easier to agree with a parent today than not. (It's that kinda day.) You might have great ideas about how to clean up the place, especially about getting rid of stuff that is no longer relevant that nobody uses anyway. "Hey, this is junk!" (Don't tell other people how to live.)
Verbal power struggles are likely today. Somebody is trying to convince you of something; or you are trying to convince others of something. Either way -- it's a bit pushy, don't you think? Slow down driving. People are aggressive on the road today. Be calm and drive defensively. (No fingers.)
You are the last of the big-time spenders. (Yes, you think it grows on trees.) Today you're tempted to compulsively, impulsively buy something. (The devil made me do it.) For starters, check with All Signs above. Never shop during those weird periods. You'll waste your money.
Generally, criticism isn't helpful. One who criticizes assumes this. Those who are criticized see the folly of this reasoning. Goethe was right: Criticism does much, but encouragement does more. Think about this today when dealing with family members. (Especially mother.)
You don't know why, but you feel an irresistible urge to go on talking so that you can convince somebody that you know what you're talking about. If you say enough words, surely it will sound like you know what you're talking about. Is that how you feel today? Doesn't compute, does it?
Don't make rash decisions about money today -- whether it's your own money or somebody else's. (Because this is what you're tempted to do.) Partnerships and working units create a little pressure in you. Perhaps you have something to prove? (Don't fall for this ego stuff.)
Yikes. Wear your armor and carry your shield at all times today. Avoid power struggles with the boss. Ditto for conversations with parents, teachers, the police and any authority figure. Shouting doesn't make people hear you. (Did you get that on sale?)
Political, religious and philosophical arguments can be painful actually. Today any exchange of ideas is difficult. What is more likely is someone is trying to proselytize, influence or propagandize his or her point of view. What a bore! Don't get suckered into this. (You have standards.)
You don't feel like sharing something today. Uh uh. In fact, you feel quite guarded about your money, your possessions, and even your opinions. "It's my way or the highway." Step back. Take a deep breath. This situation needs a little detachment -- no? Aim for cooperation.
This is a terrible day to go up against the boss. Avoid power struggles with all authority figures. Sure you might be right. (Right out of a job!) Practice your Piscean diplomacy. (You can be practically coy at times.) Show the peanut gallery how it's done.
Actor Sean Astin (1971) shares your birthday. You're reliable, honorable and faithful. This makes you precious to your friends. They value your devotion. Personally, you're very strong; and you're an independent thinker! Later in life, you look for worthy causes. You are regal but never petty. Expect increased solitude in the year ahead in order to learn something important.