We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today except for one hour between 4:10 and 5:15 pm EST.
You have in increasing desire to talk to friends and groups in the next few weeks. This is because you're awakening a deep need to define your long-term goals and dreams for the future. Some goals are changing: others are being discovered. You want to talk about this.
It's time to make serious plans for your so-called professional life. Where are you headed anyway? Your career is your path in life, and you might not necessarily get paid for it. But it is your raison d'etre. It might even be more obvious to others than to you yourself!
Life is taking on an electric, exciting quality because you're expanding your world - artistically, intellectually, and literally! You want to know more about everything. You always were an information junkie, but this is different. (More sophisticated.)
Your curiosity about many things will deepen in the next several weeks. This enables you to do excellent research! You really want to get to the bottom of something: you want answers. You're a mixture of tradition and intuition tuned into money and shared property matters.
In the next few weeks, you want to clarify things with others, especially those closest to you. You're keen for intellectual stimulation. Discussions, exchanges, spirited debates and amusing banter strongly appeal to you.
Your ability to do mental work on your job, and talk things over with co-workers becomes intense in the six weeks. You want to get down to the nitty-gritty of things - make plans, and sort things into categories for later classification etc. You want perfection at the very least!
Your creative ideas are starting to flow! You've been kicking a few things around, but now you have a hunch what to do with them. Opportunities to work or play with children also increase. You want to play games and be a kid again yourself! (And you're talkin' the language of luv!)
Don't be surprised to find your mind drifting down memory lane. (Remember the time your parents left you overnight in the mall? And what about when they sold your dog?) Stuff like that. You have much to ponder. Like why the sky is blue and where your family moved to.
Many of you will have important conversations with siblings and relatives in the next month. (Some very important left over business to iron out.) All kinds of intellectual activities will appeal to you now. Increased study reading and writing are also likely. Short trips too!
In the next few weeks, you'll find your conversation and thoughts turn to whatever it is that you value in life. Perhaps this is something you have to sort out? What really matters? Naturally, you'll give thought to money, possessions and your own self-image.
You're suddenly excited about a number of things. In fact, you don't know what to do or think of first. Your mind is flitting from subject to subject. You want to get out and travel or take short trips everywhere. You want to talk to the world! Blah, blah, blah, blah.
The next few weeks are perfect times to work alone or do research into anything. You're able to isolate your mind and focus it on any subject that appeals to you. You're grappling with career ideas and what it is that you really want to do.
Talk show host/producer/actress Oprah Winfrey (1954) shares your birthday. You're fun-loving! People like that about you. You have high ideals, and you fight for what you believe. You have great faith in humanity. You are tolerant, open-minded and either to expand your understanding of life. Emotionally, you're complex, and very private. You are always courageous. This year exciting new avenues open up for you.