The New Moon occurs in Capricorn at 7:03 EST today. Avoid shopping and making important decisions from 12:45 p.m. until 10:15 p.m. EST.
Each New Moon offers us an opportunity to adopt resolutions in our lives. This is your chance to take a good look at how you relate to your boss and other authority figures in your life. You're headstrong! (Ya think?) Think about the respect every boss wants.
What changes do you want to make in your life through travel, education, medicine and the law? These are the questions that are appropriate for you to think about right now. Are there any resolutions you might want to adopt to improve your life in these areas?
How well are you working with the values of others, especially those that don't agree with your own? You have to come to terms with certain issues regarding shared property and the joint ownership of things. You also have to turf a lot of stuff! Hmmmm.
This is the only New Moon opposite your sign all year. That means this is the month to think about how to improve your closest relationships. For starters, you have to be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. (If you're rich, this doesn't apply.) Think about it.
It's time for you to take a look at your work habits. What can you do to improve your job, your productivity, and make your life more effective -- and at the same time more comfortable? We all have to work. You might as well do it the easiest way possible.
Your relations with children, as well as your relations with romantic liaisons are where your greatest opportunities now exist. Today's New Moon offers you a chance to make improvements or changes in these areas. What do you think they should be? Any ideas?
Today's New Moon is the perfect time to arrive at some ideas about how to improve your home and relations with family members. These are areas that are important to you. If so, it follows that you should do whatever you can to make them run smoothly.
There's a whack of planets urging you to take a good look at how you communicate to others. Many of you are intimidating, and you don't realize it. (If you quit breathing like Darth Vader, it might help.) Maybe you should sugarcoat things?
You don't worship money but you like it. (Because you like what money can do for you.) Today's New Moon is one of the best times all year for you to think about how to use your money and your possessions to make your life run more smoothly.
Today's New Moon is in your sign. This is your chance to make some positive changes in your appearance, your self-image, your wardrobe, and your style of relating to others. You know first impressions count. And you care about your reputation.
This is the time of year when you realize you have to value your inner world. Respect your need for privacy. Respect your need for rest and relaxation. You want to make the world a better place. To do this, you have to be as strong and rested as possible.
Today's New Moon urges you to look at your friendships. Friendships are important because our friends influence our way of thinking. And of course, our thinking completely determines our choices, hence our future. (Birds of a feather alway flocked to newly washed cars.)
Singer Rod Stewart (1945) shares your birthday. You're hard-working and very focused. You aim to achieve. However, you are a private person, and many do not know your very personal side. You like the trappings of success to keep score. It amuses you. This year you will wind up certain cycles in order to create room for new ones.