We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today.
Your emotions about practically everything are more intense today. (Yes, you're in your element.) To make matters more interesting, you seem to attract emotionally intense people to you as well. (Go figure.) You might want something that belongs to somebody else. You also want more powah!
Today's Moon opposes your sign forcing you to focus on personal relationships. Those closest to you are important. However, conflicts with others could be emotional! Just don't respond in a knee-jerk reaction to things. (You probably won't. You generally think before you act.)
You're interested in health, hygiene, and shopping for drugstore items today. Toothpaste, deodorant, cotton balls, Band-Aids, shampoo, and don't forget floss. Some of you will also be shopping for or interested in small pets and their needs today. It's a good day for little errands.
Your nurturing instincts are aroused today. (Give someone a hug.) You feel unusually warm and friendly to others. You'll feel this way especially with children. Romance and entertaining diversions also appeal to you. It's kind of a Mary Poppins day. (Teaspoon of sugar and all that.)
This is a good day to be by yourself at home, if you can do so. You need time for personal contemplation. Life can be so overwhelming with work, errands, responsibilities, and meeting the demands of others. But sometimes you have to say, "Stop the world. I'm getting off here."
You're not satisfied with superficial explanations today. You want to get to the gut level of things. (Did you know that your sign rules the intestines?) You realize how much of your life is habit. For example, the main reason you're at work today is because you were at work yesterday.
You identify more strongly with your possessions today. You appreciate beauty, and you love beautiful things. In large measure, this is because you're affected by your surroundings. Colour, lighting and ambience -- these things matter to you! They affect your mood, even your health.
The Moon is in your sign today. This gives you a stronger need to belong to others and to relate to people. You're unusually sympathetic and sensitive to the moods and feelings of others today. If this is necessary for your work, you'll be quite successful in dealing with clients.
Mostly, you're outdoorsy, optimistic and upbeat. But today you feel a desire to withdraw from the busy hubbub of life. You need to contemplate your navel. This is a good thing. It's easiest to make friends with yourself if nobody else is around. (Fewer interruptions.)
Emotional contact with friends is important today. Similarly, you might be involved with groups, conferences, classes and organizations. You identify with what's happening today. In particular, you feel protective towards others. And you want others to feel warm to you as well.
You find it easier to show emotional sympathy and empathy with those you work with today. Furthermore, it shows! People see your sympathetic side. (Unless you hide at with a purple velveteen cape.) Be careful about public arguments and the like. People notice you today. (It's the cape.)
New friends from other countries and different cultures might come into your life today. If so, this will please you, because you want something different and out of the ordinary to happen. You want to shake it up a little. Travel would be fun. You need some pizzazz in your life!
Actress Diane Keaton (1946) shares your birthday. You're extremely tenacious. If something's important to you, you never let go. You have the rare quality of learning from your mistakes. You understand that adversity is character building. The year ahead involves hard work, building and construction. You'll see your pay off in 2006.