Caution: avoid shopping and making important decisions from 9:45 a.m. EST for the rest of the day.
You're bursting with positive, bright ideas. What's the point in having these wonderful ideas if you don't act on some of them? This has been a wonderful, positive week. You feel so stoked about your future!
You have big ideas about how to use shared resources or jointly held property to benefit your job or your daily activities. By all means, act on them! Strike while the iron is hot. Timing is everything. And today is the day. Get with the program. Be a person.
You might convince others how to invest money today. You might show others how to teach children. (You might teach children yourself.) You might have wonderful discussions with a lover. You might make big plans for a vacation. Pick one or all of the above.
All your ideas at work are worth consideration. You're hot and you're in the groove. Don't hold back. You can improve your workspace or do something that directly benefits your home and family as well. It somehow comes through your everyday activities, probably on-the-job.
This is a marvelous day for family discussions. Talk to the gang. Set them straight. Hear their beefs. You can come to wonderful calm and understanding and appreciation of each other if you just make the effort today. Basically, people want to get along. And they want seconds at dessert.
This is a fabulous day for real estate deals. By the same token, whatever you do can enormously benefit your family, your home and your private life. Talk to others. Solicit help from others. Enter into family discussions. Do real estate deals.
You can really enjoy some lovely times with siblings and relatives now. In large measure, this is because you feel happy and pretty good about yourself. (After all, Lucky Jupiter is in your sign for most of this year!) Thank you Lord! When times are good, enjoy yourself.
Money, money, money. Oh how the stuff can roll in when you really put your mind to it. Of course, similarly, it can roll out just as fast. But money is energy. You have to use it. (But who am I to tell you?) You have the Midas Touch lately.
You're big on get rich quick schemes. Ironically, this is the week you just might pull this off. Especially today. Take the time to talk to others. Your enthusiasm will inspire them. You believe in yourself now. You've got big ideas that you want to share with others. Go with it.
Your sense of responsibility to others, and your disdain for waste and inefficiency makes you aspire to high goals at this moment. Sometimes these goals occur to us; sometimes they don't. But this week, and today especially, everything comes together for you.
You are the epitome of the net worker par excellence. You know how to water your trap line. (Sagittarians are also good at this because they travel a lot and they need a place to stay.) All group efforts benefit you now. Work with friends to create profits in publishing, education and foreign lands. Make travel plans too!
People listen to you today. They are inspired by what you say. It doesn't matter if you're surprised or even dubious -- believe this. Most of us never recognized our greatness. We lack the confidence and the vision. Today, you're styling!
Writer/artist/designer Douglas Coupland (1961) shares your birthday. You're a realist. Your pragmatic approach to life makes you an armchair philosopher. You're clever with words; and you make your point succinctly. You're quick to see the faults in any system. You enjoy pleasurable times with good friends. The year ahead involves hard work. Go to it for rewards in 2006.