We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today.
Are you doing anything that's uncommon and out of the ordinary? Because this is what you crave now - new, learning experiences! It can be anything different that's exciting or thought provoking. You want adventure and greater knowledge about life.
Your gonads are definitely in over drive. Life is passionate. Unfortunately, you might be so busy having fun you don't have time to record the juicy, passionate details in your diary. (Meanwhile, the one with time to write and has nothing to say.) Ain't it the truth?
You're intrigued with partnerships right now. Work with others. Join forces to get things done. Discuss the arrangements that you feel most comfortable with. Talk things out to get what you want to achieve with others.
Act on your urge to get things better organized in your life. This feeling is not always with you! When you're motivated to do something - it's so much easier to do. You want results for your efforts now. You want efficiency, effectiveness and above all - more Cherry Garcia.
People think you're a playful sign (and you definitely do know how to play) but in truth, you're quite serious about everything in life. The word casual is not in your vocabulary. Now however, you want to play, flirt, and have a good time. (This is a great time for a vacation.)
Relatives and siblings demand your attention. Your focus is on home and family for the next few weeks. You want to make repairs at home; plus you're involved with important family discussions. Stock the fridge. You might as well have lots of food and drink to soothe the savage beasts.
You have to accept the fact that the pace of your days is accelerating. There's nothing you can do about it. However, if you accept this new tempo gracefully, you can work within it and still not be harried. It's like skiing downhill when the trees slowly swoosh past. Like slo-mo.
Don't hesitate to act on your moneymaking urges. You've got great ideas you want to run up the flagpole. People are receptive to your suggestions because you're skilled at negotiating right now. You know what you want, and you're patient enough to be diplomatic in order to get it.
It's important to act on opportunities that come your way now. People with influence and people who like you are in contact with you now. This is helpful. Others want to help you now so you might as well accept. (Get out of those wet clothes and into a dry martini.)
If you have a chance to work alone now, or work with the government or large institutions like prisons and hospitals - then do so. You'll get a lot done, especially if you work quietly by yourself. Group contact can be helpful however. You can accomplish things both ways right now.
Time spent with friends is rewarding. It's good to be back with the old gang. Furthermore, people listen to you. (For years, because you're so ahead of the times, people dismissed you. Now you're actually in vogue!) This brings a certain verification, justification, vindication and reward.
Now is the time to look for opportunities to talk to VIPs, authority figures and parents. This is the time to go for the jugular. Ask and ye shall receive. (At least, get thy name on the list.) If you don't buy a ticket, you can't win.
Cult legend Bruce Lee (1940) shares your birthday. Excitement seems to surround you during much of your life. You are fast and responsive; you have an electric energy. You're deadline oriented because you work best under pressure. You love children and animals, and will champion their cause. The year ahead can be one of the best years of your life!