Caution: avoid shopping or making important decisions after 10:45 am EST for the rest of the day.
You can learn a lot about yourself when dealing with others today. Relations with partners and close friends are particularly important now. Your reaction to others is definitely a bellwether to either the relationship itself -- or how you relate to everyone.
This is a good day to use the resources of others -- their equipment, their funding or even their people -- to get your job done. Plan on getting the support you need. Coworkers will help to improve something at work. (You can even do this to your personal health today.)
Love relationships and romantic flirtations are intense today. (Something excites you now!) This is a playful day, and it promotes good times with children, working in the arts, exploring entertaining fields, and enjoying professional sports. Get out and have some fun!
This is the perfect day to make improvements and repairs at home. Whatever you do will not only fix things, you'll make them more attractive and pleasing. Relations with family members are intense but well meaning today. You want to get to the bottom of things.
You're very convincing in your discussions with others today. If you're in sales -- you're deadly! If you write, teach, lecture or train others -- once again, you're very effective. You won't skim along on the surface of things. You want to discuss basic principles and prime causes.
You're in the mood to spend money to really make a difference. You either want to transform your own appearance or perhaps someone else's. But you've decided you're gonna spend the cash and do the job. You want to makeover or redo something to improve it.
All your dealings with others have extraordinary force and vigor today. Nothing is superficial. Discussions that take place will enrich your friendship with someone. In part, this is because you feel things intensely today, and you're willing to disclose. (Gonna come clean, eh?)
This is a lovely day for your sign because fair Venus makes a nice aspect to your ruler Pluto. In addition to this, fiery Mars is in your sign! One could say you're hell on wheels. But you're not overpowering, you're just ultra convincing. Nobody can resist you!
Today could mark the beginning of an unusually intense (but memorable) relationship with someone. If so, this association has a fated quality to it. It's as if the meeting were destined or meant to be. (You love this sort of thing.) And it well may be the case! Who knows?
You might talk to somebody quite powerful today. This could be a parent, a boss or somebody who has influence. Listen to this person because in all probability, their words can help you, and their suggestions can improve something in your life. At least, keep an open mind.
Political, religious and philosophical discussions are intense today. They don't have to get nasty, but they're passionate. Don't let others coerce you in any way. In turn, don't do this to someone else. The problem is that you want others to agree with you because you're right. (You think.)
Someone might give you something today. You will either get a direct gift, cash, a loan, increased credit, reduced debt or be on the receiving end of a lovely favor or advantage through someone else. In other words, goodies come to you today!
Heir to British throne Prince Charles (1948) shares your birthday. You are aware of your surroundings and your environment. In part, this is because you seek out ways of improving things. You quickly size up any situation in terms of strengths and weaknesses. You want to provide a service whether it is artistic, scientific, practical or productive. Work hard this year for rewards in the immediate future.