We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today except for the time from 9 pm until11 pm EDT.
You have to be nice today. You're sorely tempted to tell somebody off. Tension with partners and close friends might build up now. Naturally, you're innocent. Others are impossible. (They really are.) But what do you gain by mouthing off? Only scowls and misery.
Someone at work will test your patience today. Naturally, you'll pass this test. You always do. You know that if you lose it, devastation -- complete devastation -- occurs. Therefore, you have long since learned how to put a lid on it. (Get one with a plastic handle.)
Your relations with a friend might be snarky today. People are inclined to be petty and irritable. Isn't it irritating when others are petty and irritable? I think so, too. People who are petty and irritable should stay in bed. Frequently however, you have given birth to them! Oy vay.
Be reasonable with family members. There's no point in losing it because they're not going to go away. They will always be your family. You can't trade them in. You can't upgrade. You can no longer sell them. They're here for the duration. Your best bet is to learn to get along.
Resist the temptation to make snide little retorts to siblings, colleagues, relatives and daily contacts. I know you have a lot to put up with. Sometimes life is not a bowl of cherries -- it's a bowl of pits. (Hence the term -- "this is the pits.") Or did that used to refer to coal and tar?
You feel a financial squeeze today. (Join the club; we number millions.) Perhaps you want to spend money and somebody else objects. Perhaps you want to spend money and your bank account is uncooperative. Fortunately, this squeeze play disappears in a few days. (Thankfully.)
Because tomorrow's Full Moon opposes your sign, you feel a build up of tension and stress in spades today. You're not sure who to put first -- yourself or somebody else? Don't worry about which side your bread is buttered on. You're going to eat the whole slice anyway.
In a weird, way today, you might feel vague fears, doubts, and a sense of restless uncertainty. This is just the pre-Full Moon jitters. They should write a song about it. "I got the pre-Full Moon jitters. And it's pre-etty baaaad. Don't want these pre-Full Moon jitters, to make me saaaad."
You actually feel betrayed by a friend today. Actually, you could see this coming. You just can't believe it's actually happening. Well, actually it is. The thing to do now is to actually figure out what to do. But you're not actually sure what it is. (This is actually the problem.)
Tension with parents and authority types is likely today and tomorrow. (Today is the worst.) It's a Mexican standoff. You're ambitious about what you want now, and you don't want anybody interfering with your plans. Good luck.
Arguments about politics, religion, and philosophical matters are likely. Similarly, disagreements about publishing, educational matters and travel arrangements are also likely. You have to take this with a grain of salt. The Full Moon is stirring things up.
Don't bet the farm today. You don't have to be stingy; but don't be too open handed either. It's hard to strike a balance between defending your own best interests and sharing things. You need to understand the difference between your values and those of others.
Model Cheryl Tiegs (1947) shares your birthday. People believe in you. (Almost more than you do yourself.) Fortunately, your quest for perfection, plus your steady perseverance bring you success. You have high expectations for yourself. Plus, you're versatile and capable in many fields. Expect a friednly, fun-loving, romantic year ahead!