We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today.
Oo la la. Zees is ze time for loff. You feel passionate! Don't go out without a red rose clenched in your teeth. Wear your matador hat. Look life right in the eye. Your artistic vibes are hot as well. There's nothing you can't do today, babes.
You want to move heaven and earth to make things beautiful at home. You want to repair something or find a new use for something. You feel gosh, golly, gee warm towards family members today. You want a happy family gathered around the hearth.
Most of us never realize how much love there is in our daily lives. But people around us actually care. And we care for them too. Mostly, nobody thinks about this. Today however, is one of those days when you're conscious of your feelings of affection for others. (Especially siblings.)
You love a bargain! Today you'll get some kind of bargain because whatever you buy will please you. You might find a new source for earning money; and similarly, you might find new ways of spending it. Whatever happens -- your cash flow scene is blessed.
Gads! New relationships that start now will have lots of heavy breathing. You feel attracted to somebody as if by magic. (You won't even have time to keep a diary.) You feel that someone else represents a side of you that needs to be expressed. It's impossibly intoxicating. (Sigh)
You're capable of profound insights today. These insights not only amaze you, but they give you useful information about dealing with others. You see more deeply into your own psyche, your own doubts and fears, and your own wants and needs. (Too bad there isn't a free toy with this.)
This is the kind of day when lovers can become friends and friends can become lovers. All affection has an intense edge to it. You see people with a new appreciation. ("Omigawd, where'd ya get that new appreciation?") Conversations with others will he unusually candid and revealing.
You're one hot tamale today. You're super powerful. (Darth Vader theme here: Da, da daaa, da da dada.) Bosses and authority types are totally impressed with you. You are so on your game. Even if you just stand there breathing, people think you're doing calculus equations.
You feel very passionate about some ideal or some idea today. There's something that you want to do very much. Perhaps it's connected with studying. Perhaps you want to travel somewhere. You might feel ardently about political, religious or philosophical ideas. This is good.
A lot of lovely advantages or gifts come to you today. (There's no denying this.) In addition to this however, those of you in romantic situations are having a great time. Your gonads are in overdrive. You feel zapped with emotions -- mentally, spiritually and (yes) physically. Woo woo.
This is a fabulous day for relating to people. You actually feel love for others -- at least someone. Furthermore, we're not talking about a mental abstraction. Oh no. This is the real deal. Partnerships can be very passionate today. (More champagne?)
Flirtations at work could lead to something deeper. Something more involved. Something you might want to think twice about before you plunge in. Nevertheless, plunge you might. Oh well, if you do take the plunge, return it by next Thursday.
Comedian/actor Phil Hartman (1948) shares your birthday. You are whimsical and fun loving! You know how to take something and change it to something else. You also love to explore the world through books and film. Sometimes you're a dreamer, but you definitely march to your own tune. Your imagination is important in your work. An important choice will be presented to you this year. Choose wisely.