We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today.
It's important to recap where your opportunities are right now. (You have to know which horse to put your money on.) Everything to do with your employment scene and your health are beautifully favoured this year. Act with confidence in these areas. Your job will improve!
Definitely take a vacation if you can. The planets want you to have fun! Things to do with romance, love affairs, playful excursions, the arts, fun activities with children, creative outlets are your lucky areas! So what are you waiting for?
Don't lose sight of the fact that real estate, home, and family businesses are where your luck flourishes right now. Play the long shot! Buy or sell real estate if you can. Everything to do with your family scene and your private life improves now. Cherish this. Be generous to family members.
Your confidence in your ability to communicate to others (defending your best interests), as well as dealings with siblings and relatives are the areas where you stand to benefit the most now. Don't be shy. Speak up and tell others what you want. You'll probably get it!
You've been throwing money around like there's no tomorrow. In one way, you've spent a lot. But in another way, you have increased your assets (and your debt!) Nevertheless, your ability to generate earnings now is excellent. Basically, you knew what you were doing. Oh yeah.
You're pretty much in the driver's seat with Mars and Jupiter in your sign, to say nothing of the Sun and Mercury. This means it's all about you now. It's okay to put yourself first. Sometimes you just have to demand the advantage and this is one of those times. Relax and enjoy it!
For number of different reasons, a deeper, more spiritual side seems to be stimulated within you now. You're thinking about important, profound questions. Like what to do with the time that is left you. The time that is left you is normally referred to as your "life." How quaint.
Partnerships are extremely advantageous now and for the next few months. It's a wise idea to work with others. People easily respect you now. In part, this is why your popularity is so strong right now. Most Scorpios don't realize their strength of character. But other people do -- believe me.
Your career is looking sweet! There's practically nothing you can't pull off right now. Sure, you might be getting along with less from partners and other people, but when it comes to your own efforts -- you're hot! In fact, you're starting to get in touch with what you are capable of.
So many delicious opportunities connected with travel, other countries, publishing, the media and expanding your education await you now. It's hard to know what you're going to do? One thing is certain. Whatever you do will expand your world in a meaningful way. You'll learn something new.
The universe has been unusually supportive to you. People, events, inheritances, gifts, reduced debt, and increased credit are just some of benefits you have. Alphabetize your blessings. Appreciation is the most important meditation you can do daily.
Your partnerships and your ability to deal with the public and even some of your closest friendships have been reassuring and fortunate for you. Obviously, nothing is perfect because it never is. Even perfection isn't perfect. I met a few perfect people once -- they were boring!
Singer Beyonce Knowles (1981) shares your birthday. You're extremely capable. Big ideas don't scare you. You're organized, effective and capable of running large organizations. You have a logical, analytical, methodical mind, which allows you to build organizations and structures. The year ahead is exciting because it holds fresh, new possibilities! Choose a new path for yourself.