We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today, but only until 9:15 pm EDT.
You don't mind working today because you feel upbeat, optimistic and lighthearted. When you're in a good mood, time passes quickly even if you're doing routine work. Confucius was right: if you like what to do, you'll never have to work a day in your life.
This is a playful, fun-loving day. Get in the right mindset to enjoy yourself. We North Americans have an uptight work ethic. We identify too much with our careers. In other countries, your job is just your job. It pays the bills. You have a life beyond that.
This is a lovely day because your ruler Mercury is on flirtatious terms with fair Venus. If you're not working -- kickback and relax. If you have to work -- can you take the day off? This is the perfect day for leisure pursuits and amusing pastimes.
What a pleasant day for a quick trip in the country! A drive anywhere will please you. Conversations with relatives and siblings are affectionate and playful. You're in touch with your feelings and not afraid to share them. Talk about whatever you want.
This is a lovely day to shop for artistic items. In fact, you might make some resolutions about how to include and appreciate more beauty in your daily life. Both the Sun and Moon are in your sign today. God's in her heaven and all's right with the world!
This is a wonderful day to enjoy conversations and activities with groups and friends. It's hey nonny nonny and all that. You feel comfortable with yourself, and this in turn, makes you feel comfortable with others as well. It's easy to appreciate the people you know.
Others see that you're enjoying yourself today. Good. Enthusiasm is a contagious thing. You simply want to spread goodwill today. (Spread it on thick.) It's easy to tell someone you love him or her. That's because people want to verbalize their feelings today -- including you!
This is a lovely day to enjoy groups and friends. Any get-together will be successful because people feel warmhearted and affectionate with each other. In fact, it's the kind of backslapping day where friends tell each other how much they truly care. This isn't corny. It's honest and generous.
Bosses, parents and VIPs are in a great mood today. This is a good day for lighthearted discussions, or maybe even something more serious. People are unusually receptive to each other today. Good feelings are running high.
This is a lovely day to schmooze with friends. If things have been testy between you and a partner, choose today to smooth over troubled waters. People are willing to listen to each other. Furthermore, most people are in touch with their feelings now. (Except for the ones who never go there.)
This is a good day to ask for help from others. It's also a good day to ask for a loan. If you need assistance, money, backup, support or equipment -- you just might get it. In turn, you're feeling generous. It's a good day to be with friends. It's a good day to be alive.
What a wonderful, romantic, flirtatious, capricious day. Live it up! Have fun! Do anything that brings a smile to your face. And give yourself an opportunity to enjoy beauty somewhere in your day. (This is the youngest you will ever be. Enjoy your youth!)
Actor Ben Affleck (1972) shares your birthday. You're a born leader. Your quiet nobility inspires respect. You are kind to others, but you also have high expectations of them. You are above pettiness. You completely reflect the regal, leonine dignity of your sign. You are the ruler of your castle. This year your focus is on your closest relationships.